Monday, August 31, 2009
Menu Monday
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Wally World vs. Kroger
Let me share my pro's and con's of both....
- I can bring in other stores ad's and they will match the price
- They are coupon nuts.. they instantly know if one is expired or you need a multiple item. They almost call you out on the loud speaker.
- They have the best price on diapers!
- If the kids need some clothing items I can pick it up. Remember this post.
- They sell my favorite coconut lime candle.
- The two above bring me to the conclusion... I won't stick to my list I spend more $$$
- I will only visit one location. Some can be kinda shady and scary.
- They have a car cart which the kids enjoy.
- They double and triple some coupons.
- You can have your grocery's taken to the car.... Do we tip these people?
- I stick to my list.
- They have Boars Head brand meat!!!
- I spend less money.
I bought the same grocery items at Kroger this week I usually buy at Wal-mart. I spent $60 less. I noticed that the regular price of items is cheaper on most of the items. Kroger was cheaper on breads, cereals and can items. Wal-mart was cheaper on it's meats.
I will be Krogering and see if this saving trend continues. Plus, I am back couponing!
Where do you grocery shop?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Thrifty Thursday- Free Food and Deals?
OK Who wants to go to lunch today? After writing this I've got some serious cravings!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Name Brand Chips vs. Store Brand
My results:
The Store Brand
- Most of the bag was broken into small pieces
- It was greasier
- The taste was not as good but pretty close
- It was only $1.75
The Name Brand
- The chips stayed in big pieces
- Not as greasy as the store brand
- Classic taste
- It was $3.00
The Verdict- Pay the extra $1.25 for chips that are dip worthy. I made ranch dip and the small remnants of chips made it very frustrating to get my dip. They just broke into the dip making crumbly mess
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tuesdays Tip - Old Earrings?
She accessorized a candle with old earrings and charms. What a great idea!
So I came home and found these old earrings I NEVER wear. Put them on a candle and viola it gave it a little "pow".
Take a look at the pair! This is on the wall in my kitchen. I found this floral arrangement in Canton. I got it for my birthday 3 years ago, doesn't it just scream I live in Texas? Thanks mom!
Watch out all my candles will be accessorized!
Monday, August 24, 2009
FREE Chick-fil-a

Menu Monday- First Day of School
First day of school lunch..Wills Fave's: Peanut Butter Sandwich, a bag of Nacho Doritos, packet of gummy fruit snacks and a Capri Sun.
So elementary moms can you give me some ideas of what else I can send?
Monday: Make your own pizza!
Tuesday: Lazy Evening Frozen Meals (got some great deals at Kroger a couple weeks ago)
Wednesday: Bean and Cheese Nacho's
Thursday: Baked Potato Skins - love these!
- Bake potato's (about 10 medium to small size) at 375 for an hour
- Hollow potato's out with a spoon- put the insides in another dish to save for mashed potato's
- Spray potato's skins with cooking spray (I use EVOO spray)
- Sprinkle the outside with salt, Sprinkle the inside with garlic salt, pepper and any other special seasonings you have . I add Cajun seasoning.
- Bake for 15ish minutes at 425 till crispy
- Remove and top with shredded cheddar cheese and bacon bits (I use Oscar Meyer Real Bacon Bits)
- Bake for a couple more minutes then enjoy!
- Eat with sour cream, ketchup or my absolute favorite ranch dressing!
Now I am understanding why I have high cholesterol...
Friday: Honestly I have no idea!! I was a poor planner this week. I chose complete comfort foods since my little baby boy is starting school. I figured I would wash away my sadness in yummy foods.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Another Blog... My Mural Business
I've finally done it! I started another blog for my side business. I paint custom children's murals on a very part-time basis.
Since I am a frugal girl I axed the web hosting and put together a free blog!
My Baby Corner is Grown Up!
3rd we had a pack n play in the corner....
I hit Kirklands last week and got the mirrors ($12 each) and did some shopping in my house and moved accessories from other rooms to complete my look. Thank you Nicole for the R!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Thrify Thursday - Swap Meet?
How about sometime in October? You know us busy girls have to plan ahead.
Back to School Savings
Wal-mart - selling 25 cent crayons and glue. Markers 70 cents. Folders and 70 page spirals 15 cents!
Office Depot- we looked around I so NO significant savings
School Lunch Printable Coupons - print coupons for mott's apple sauce, goldfish and uncrustable sandwiches.
Hostess 100 calorie packs- this is my pre-teens favorite sweet snacks this is one of my favorite coupon sites! Print coupons like Cheerios, Nature Valley and Pillsbury.
Clothing Deals My Favorites!
Aeropostale- Graphic Tee's $10. This is my daughters favorite store. Ton's of stylish clothes at a great price.
Gap Kids- Buy one pair of jeans get 2nd pair for $10. Gap jeans are my favorite for my son. They are tough and durable. At our mall all clearance clothing was an additional 40% off. I got all his back to school clothes for $52, 2 jeans, 2 shorts, 3 shirts and a package of underwear.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tuesdays Tip- Pop!
This time we chose to make fun popcorn and watch a movie.
Pop, pop, pop... it was kinda scary and loud to use newbies.
Finally all done, it was the best popcorn ever!! Really it was better than movie theatre popcorn.
We put her to sleep then the big kid movie. Batman on VCR tape (garage sale find).
Monday, August 17, 2009
Menu Monday- More Recipes
This is officially the last week of summer for my kids! We've got lots of back to school shopping, hair cuts, last swims and sleepovers this week.
Monday: Make your own Stromboli (a new fave)
1. Take pizza dough and put in all the fixins: hamburger meat, pepperonis, mushrooms, peppers, onions and cheese
2. Fold over and blend the edges in
3. Cut a couple slits on the top to vent
4. Bake for about 15 minutes and use pizza sauce for dipping.
Tuesday: George Foreman Style Pannini's (we had this last week and enjoyed it so much)
Wednesday: Freezer Raid
When we have left overs I put small containers in the freezer to make easy frozen dinners. My freezer is so full it is time to make a buffet of little meals.
Thursday: Spaghetti and Meatballs
Can you believe I still have frozen meatballs from my homemade batch 3 weeks ago?
My favorite spaghetti sauce is Prego Roasted Garlic and Herb
Friday: Grill out Burgers
Saturday, August 15, 2009
DFW Blog Party
Here is Dina, Jennifer, Liz and Adrien
Elyse, Alicia (a childhood friend of mine)me, Gari-Ann and Dina
Thursday, August 13, 2009
TX Kroger Super Double Day!!
I'm going Kroggering... remember that commercial from back in the day?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Wasteless Wednesday
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Umm what happened?
Wally World Steppin It Up!
This is an outfit I would expect to see at Target, love it!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Menu Monday
This week is the first menu to reflect my condition (gosh that sounds bad like I am dying). My high cholesterol.
Monday: Kids and Husband Meatball sandwich and French Fries, Me a salad
Tuesday: Grilled Turkey Pannini's George Foreman Style
Take whole wheat bread spray with EVOO spray
Put in 2% cheese
Turkey (I like it shredded from the deli)
Red and Green Pepper slices
Mushrooms (husband likes)
Squirt a little Italian dressing inside and put on the George Foreman Grill
Wednesday: Chicken and Rice, Salad and Rolls
Easy Recipe and an all time favorite in my house:
2 cups cooked rice
1 can of reduced fat and sodium cream of chicken
1/2 cup of chicken broth
2 cups of cooked chicken -( I grill it up on the George Foreman and top with Kickin Chicken seasoning then cut it up)
Mix all together and bake for about 20 minutes covered with foil. I used to top with Mozz cheese.
Thursday: Leftover Chicken and Rice
Friday: DFW Blogger Girl Meet and Drink Party! I am looking forward to meeting many of you!! We still have some spots open if you want to join us!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Frugal Friday- Kirklands
Too bad I could not find any matching ones.
Kirkland's now has an online community of home decorators. I am in heaven!
Just what I need another online tool to keep me away from laundry and cleaning.