
Friday, December 6, 2013

Time is flying

Hello old friend!
It's been a long time since I blogged.
We're iced up at home and I figured I'd say hi and let you know what's up.
Our little baby is 1! She's crawling and into everything. Always happy.

On to our oldest beautiful daughter she's doing great. She's enjoying her junior year in high school.
  With 5 kids there is never a dull moment around here. We got them all in the hammock for a photo.

Will is the comedian. Check him out in the air.

I love this photo of Cara. It shows her free spirit and bare feet. She loves running in our backyard.
 Our Madeline, she's our animal lover. She's started horseback riding and loves everything with horses.
Little Baby Jules as we call her. What a blessing to our family. She's laid back and easy going. If you see me around town, she's likely on my hip.  
Wishing your family a very Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Busy Life with 5

 Our beautiful oldest turned 16 and went on her first date.... mom and day tagged along it was her drill team banquet.
We are thrilled she made captain again for her junior year.
 Our one boy and his look alike baby sister.
Look out world here is triple trouble!
 The kids had a slumber party in the living room. It's the redneck version of a bounce house. Look at those happy faces.
 Little Jules is chillin. She's such a laid back kid. Probably asleep during this photo.
 All smiles from the little girls. These three are so much fun. Always laughing and smiling until someone get's their hair pulled... then I hear a scream.
Did you know they have a specific scream for hair pulls? Maaaa Ahhhhhh haaaaiiiiiiirrrrr. Then I hear bam and another scream. It's the little girls wrestling live performance.
Proof that I exist a photo of me and 2 of the little girls. We took a ride on the historic train during our spring break staycation.

 We took a drive down to the dinosaur state park. This place is great! This is definitely on our destination list when we get an RV next summer. Watch out Griswalds here come the Rudd's.
 The kids and Dad did some walking in dinosaur tracks. It was a beautiful warm day. Of course of the kids "accidentally" fell in the water twice. It was our adventure girl Madeline. Luckily she dried off quickly.
 Giving their best roars.....
Now that I have 5 kids one won't match. I've become that mom who's kids go out with mismatched clothes. 90% of the time she's coordinated and has bows. I choose my battles. It keeps me sane.
 Every trip with 5 consists of one grumpy pants.
Had to get him in a photo with terrified big sis of the dinos.
There is never a dull moment around here!

Monday, January 28, 2013

What's going on...

This is our sweet Juliana Faith. 
My wonderful friend Adrien took this beautiful photo of her.
Life has taken quite a busy turn. I laugh now when I think about my old routine very scheduled and organized. Now I'm just a fly by the seat of my pants girl.
The kids all love the new baby and she is very spoiled. I hold her almost all the time and get all those newborn hugs in. Since this is our last baby I want to cherish each moment. As I've learned far to quickly they grow up fast!
One of these days I will get back to blogging. For right now I'm a busy mom of 5 trying to get by each day at home.
We do have some big plans for a kitchen redo in May. I can't wait!!! By that time I will be sharing our ideas and projects.
For right now I just try to keep my house picked up and the family fed and clothed..... try is the key word.
Bye for now!