I have to make a confession. I stopped using coupons about 2 months ago....(gasp). Yes Frugal Jen hasn't been so frugal at the grocery store.
Honestly I just don't have the time or energy right now. I just buy whats on my list and I still am hitting my budget amount. Except for the time a couple weeks ago when I had an instant craving for Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream and waffle cones.
I stumbled across some awesome online Kraft coupons for cream cheese, Velveeta and other yummy snacks. http://www.kraftrecipes.com/Products/SuperValu.aspx
Speaking of Cream Cheese. I have to share the BEST recipe my friend Ashlee shared with me. She did better than share she made me a batch of these Heavenly Lemon Delights (that's my made up name for them).
1 C powdered sugar
6 oz cream cheese
2 tsp lemon juice2
(8 oz) cans Crescent dinner rolls
Preheat oven to 375.
In bowl combine first 3 ingredients until smooth. Separate crescent dough into triangles. Place 1 rounded teaspoon of mixture on wide end of each triangle. Roll up to opposite point. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 12-15 minutes until golden brown. Combine glaze ingredients until smooth and drizzle over warm rolls.
Glaze:1 C powdered sugar1 tsp margarine1 tsp lemon juice (I had to use a lot more lemon juice to make it thin enough to drizzle)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Screaming Craving
Pregnancy is well known for very strong cravings. Well my 1st one was Lemon Poppy Seed muffins. Thank you Carrie for fulfilling that craving! She was such a sweet friend and brought them to me at our moms group meeting last week. I inhaled them so fast!
Now for major craving #2...... IHOP pancakes! It's overwhelming out of control. I've just got to have them! Thinking about ditching my chicken and rice plans for dinner tomorrow for some good ole pancakes for dinner.
Did you know IHOP has Cheesecake pancakes? Seriously must be heaven!
When I think of how much I want pancakes it's going to be a reminder today to pray for my sweet friends who are trying to get pregnant. May God bless them with a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.
When you were pregnant what were some of your cravings?
Now for major craving #2...... IHOP pancakes! It's overwhelming out of control. I've just got to have them! Thinking about ditching my chicken and rice plans for dinner tomorrow for some good ole pancakes for dinner.
Did you know IHOP has Cheesecake pancakes? Seriously must be heaven!
When I think of how much I want pancakes it's going to be a reminder today to pray for my sweet friends who are trying to get pregnant. May God bless them with a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.
When you were pregnant what were some of your cravings?
Monday, January 25, 2010
Menu Monday
Looking forward to a calm and peaceful week, a mom can dream right?
Monday: Make your own Toastatos. Topped with beans, cheese, lettuce, ground beef, salsa, guac, sour cream
Tuesday: Meals on the Go - PB sandwiches and fruit
Wednesday: Chicken and Rice with Crescent Rolls
Easy recipe: 3 chicken breast cooked and shredded
2 cups of cooked rice
Scoop of butter
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/2 cup of chicken broth
Mozz Cheese
Mix together and bake for 25 minutes at 375. Love this!
Thursday: Left over ck and rice
Friday: Make Your Own Pizza Night
For more recipes visit www.orgjunkie.com
Monday: Make your own Toastatos. Topped with beans, cheese, lettuce, ground beef, salsa, guac, sour cream
Tuesday: Meals on the Go - PB sandwiches and fruit
Wednesday: Chicken and Rice with Crescent Rolls
Easy recipe: 3 chicken breast cooked and shredded
2 cups of cooked rice
Scoop of butter
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/2 cup of chicken broth
Mozz Cheese
Mix together and bake for 25 minutes at 375. Love this!
Thursday: Left over ck and rice
Friday: Make Your Own Pizza Night
For more recipes visit www.orgjunkie.com
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Back to Programming and Cute Dress
I want to thank all of you for your comments about my last post. It's a very sensitive subject and people on both sides feel passionate about it. Now back to regular frugal programming.
Remember this dress last year? I bought it at Wally world for $6 and sewed on some ribbon. Wow, my girl has grown since this picture... especially her hair.
Well this year, look what Wally world has for $6! I bought the striped one for Madeline. I am going to add a flower in the middle and some ribbon on the bottom.
I think I will get several different one's. For $6 even without embellishments it's super cute!
I could use one for me too. What a cute summer maternity dress! Too bad the largest size is 4T.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Stand Up!
Today is the National March for Life in Washington D.C. I have been listening and watching coverage on EWTN today.
I feel moved to share with you today. I normally do not use my blog for my political or religious beliefs. But this belief of life is one of human civil rights and the right to life for all humans.
All faiths, all colors, all people are joining together for life. When people say "It's a women's right to choose." I respond "A women's right to choose what? Death to her child?" Mothers are the life life to the unborn children not the source of death and dismemberment. The most innocent and quiet of our people are the unborn children.
I speak from experience. I became pregnant at the age of 19. Abortion was an option but I choose life for my daughter. Instead of holding a sign today that says "I regret my abortion" I hold the hand of my 12 year old daughter.
Yes, the other victims of abortion are the mothers and fathers. Abortion hurts them too. In my 12 years of pro-life work I've NEVER heard a women say "I don't regret my abortion". It's the complete opposite they regret it and wish they could go back and change their decision.
Today I pray for all those victims of abortion and the babies in danger of abortion. If you are pro-life please take a stand up for the most innocent and help stop the killing of our sweet babies. We must not allow our government to use federal dollars to pay for abortions. ABORTION IS NOT HEALTH CARE!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Not So Regular Blogger
The all day sickness has taken full effect!
I used to research and write my blog so great but now it takes all of my energy to just get through the day.
I used to research and write my blog so great but now it takes all of my energy to just get through the day.
Please be patient with me I will be back!
Hopefully I only have another few weeks of this sickness and my energy will also come back.
Hopefully I only have another few weeks of this sickness and my energy will also come back.
Anyone have tips or tricks for morning sickness? I'm not throwing up just sick all day. Sometimes I wish I could throw up and be done with it instead of this lingering feeling.
The positive part is the baby must be doing great because my hormones are rockin!
One more question, anyone know who carries some great maternity jeans? I gave all mine away and need some new ones. Another week in my current jeans is all I can squeeze out.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Weekly Menu and New Addition
Before you read about my menu I have something to share.
We said good-bye to a long time companion to our family.
Our old 1990's particle board entertainment center. Here is a reminder of how she looked. We also said good-bye to our tube TV.
We moved up to a flat screen TV! A 55 inch one!
Finally all of my wood in the living room matches! All cherry wood. It only took 10 years :)
Of course we saved some money, we NEVER pay full price. My husband negotiated a floor model and an extra warranty. Got it for 50% off!
Sorry I am late with my menu Monday post. I took a 3 day vacation from the computer. It was much needed. I am making a priority to limit my time on the computer.
Monday: We had Grilled Chicken Sandwiches and Chips
Tuesday: Meals on the go - Grilled pannini and grilled cheese sandwiches with pasta salad
Wednesday: Baked Ziti, Green Beans and Garlic Bread
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Little Cesar's $5 Pizza and Salad
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Discount Dress Ups
My Little Miss is completely in love with dress up. Anytime we are at home she is wearing some type of dress up.
We are doing some closet cleaning and found a dress Katelyn now 12 wore as a flower girl. Madeline is in dress up heaven....
We've also got a Texas cheerleader uniform.

Madeline modeling her friend Bella's most amazing princess dress.

We are even having dress up play dates. Thanks for hosting Jenny! I borrowed Ashlee's photos from her blog:)
Which brings me to my frugal tip. Spring cleaning is around the corner. Think about all the outgrown dance costumes, flower girl dresses, Easter dresses.
Madeline modeling her friend Bella's most amazing princess dress.
We are even having dress up play dates. Thanks for hosting Jenny! I borrowed Ashlee's photos from her blog:)
Garage sale season will start soon and be on the lookout for great dress ups. If you have older girls and are getting rid of these things think about any friends with smaller girls you could pass them down to.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Painting Project
I did a painting project for my photographer friend Brandi right before Christmas. This is for one of her daughters. I've already painted the other 2 girls rooms.
I've seen this idea around and was excited to give it a try. I love the way it turned out.
I think I'm going to paint one for Madeline's big girl room in a couple months. I am picturing one above her bed between a curtain rod and drapery's pulled back.
I am linking up with Do It Yourself Day http://asoftplace.net/
Monday, January 11, 2010
Menu Monday
I did a lot of searching for some mild foods. Nothing is sounding good. Problem is I have to prepare dinner for the rest of the family. OK enough about my pregnancy stomach.
Here is our menu:
Monday: Leftover Baked Ziti and Salad
Tuesday: Meals on the go dance night - sandwiches and chips. Grilled Veggie Paninni for me.
Wednesday: Chicken Tettrazini (I love this stuff)
Thursday: Leftover Chicken Tett
Friday: Make Your Own Pizza. A big yummy veggie one for me.
Here is our menu:
Monday: Leftover Baked Ziti and Salad
Tuesday: Meals on the go dance night - sandwiches and chips. Grilled Veggie Paninni for me.
Wednesday: Chicken Tettrazini (I love this stuff)
Thursday: Leftover Chicken Tett
Friday: Make Your Own Pizza. A big yummy veggie one for me.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Bland Menu Anyone?
If you read my menu Monday posts. You know how much I love spicy foods, especially tex-mex.
Well, pregnancy is NOT agreeing with that menu.
I recall this same feeling with the other pregnancies.
Please let me know. I am making my grocery list and menu for next week and I am stuck.
I am craving steamed veggies and rolls. This is so not me! I even had a piece of leftover cake today and wanted to throw up.
I am also craving chicken spaghetti a mild version. Anyone have any good recipes?
Please let me know. I am making my grocery list and menu for next week and I am stuck.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
How about some freebies for this winter day? People in Texas FREAK out when it gets cold. They even canceled school today... no snow just a bit of ice on the bridges. At least we can all stay inside and stay warm.
Here you go, lots of great one's!
Free Pregnancy Journal - this is a great freebie if you are expecting or trying for a baby. I love keeping notes and experiences during my pregnancies.
Free Sample of Teekanne Tea- what a great way to warm up in this cold weather.
Free Post-It Durable Tabs- post it's got everything! When I think of 3M I think of Michelle and Roney's High School Reunion movie. Anyone else remember that?
Free Organic Hand Sanitizer- now this is interesting. How is alcohol made organic?
Free Ivan Mog Candy Apple- I saved the best for last! I ordered this one the other day. I hope I get it. WOW!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wasteless Wednesday - It's Cold!
Burr it's cold here in North Central Texas. Normally winter consists of a few day below freezing not weeks! Tonight we are getting yet another Arctic front bringing the temps at night down to 12 degrees.
This is NOT Texas weather.
Let's talk about how to stay warm without an outrageous electric bill. Here are some things we've done:
This is NOT Texas weather.
Let's talk about how to stay warm without an outrageous electric bill. Here are some things we've done:
- Closed all our blinds and drapes
- Bought a small space heater for my oldest daughters room. Her room doesn't warm easily. Now it stays toasty without us blasting the heat.
- Lower the thermostat to 66 degrees upstairs with the bedrooms. Then put an extra blanket on the beds.
- Turn the down stairs heat to 64 at night.
- Fire, Fire and more fire in the evenings. I LOVE a nice warm fire.
So any of you Northerners got any more tips for us warm weather folks hit with a harsh winter?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Bath & Body Works BIG SALE
Oh how I love Bath & Body Works! My favorite smell is Vanilla Bean Noel which is only available at Christmas. I don't buy it until after Christmas when it goes on sale super cheap. I stock up!
Part of making frugal fabulous is still having great items such a splurge soaps. Something about that cute little soap dispenser and wonderful scent is an absolute household must have, well at least I think so.
I ALWAYS have these soaps in my bathrooms. It makes that 1 minute as I close the door away from the kids enjoyable as I wash my hands and smell that fragrance. Then I open the door back to reality as someone under 3 ft tall has been banging on the door.
They are having their big annual sale. Run... go stock up!

I ALWAYS have these soaps in my bathrooms. It makes that 1 minute as I close the door away from the kids enjoyable as I wash my hands and smell that fragrance. Then I open the door back to reality as someone under 3 ft tall has been banging on the door.
They are having their big annual sale. Run... go stock up!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Great Appt!
Thank you for the congrats and prayers! My dr's appointment went great today. We had a sonogram and saw the little heart beating. What a wonderful sight!
I was a bit nervous at first when the Dr was quiet and searching for the baby. We've been down that road and I seem to think negative thoughts and let the fear take over. After she said looks this is the heart beating it calmed me instantly.
So the official due date is August 28th that is 40 weeks. I have my babies at least the other 3 at 36 weeks so we are expecting an arrival the first week in August.
Having #4 you would think I would be a pro but I am not. I still read the milestones and ask questions. I even have another appointment scheduled in 2 weeks with another Dr that delivers at another local hospital. I want to make sure I choose the one with the best fit.
I promise I will be back to frugal posting tomorrow!
I was a bit nervous at first when the Dr was quiet and searching for the baby. We've been down that road and I seem to think negative thoughts and let the fear take over. After she said looks this is the heart beating it calmed me instantly.
So the official due date is August 28th that is 40 weeks. I have my babies at least the other 3 at 36 weeks so we are expecting an arrival the first week in August.
Having #4 you would think I would be a pro but I am not. I still read the milestones and ask questions. I even have another appointment scheduled in 2 weeks with another Dr that delivers at another local hospital. I want to make sure I choose the one with the best fit.
I promise I will be back to frugal posting tomorrow!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Menu Monday
I am looking forward to getting back to our regular schedule. Today is the kids last day off for Christmas break. Also looking forward to eating healthy.
This morning is my first Dr's appointment. I am looking forward to the sonogram but nervous about meeting a new Dr. I will let you know tomorrow how it goes. So far my main symptom of this pregnancy is complete exhaustion. I've slept late and taken 2 hour naps. I forgot about that part. Oh yeah, meat smells horrible. This week I am still cooking meat but will opt for a salad instead of meat.
Monday: Pizza and Salad
Tuesday: Meal on the Go (Back to Ballet nights) Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and apple slices
Wednesday: Mini Meatloaf and Baked Potato's
Thursday: Freezer Purge Buffet. I've accumulated a lot of different little meals I am going to cook several and have a buffet.
Friday: Taco Soup
This morning is my first Dr's appointment. I am looking forward to the sonogram but nervous about meeting a new Dr. I will let you know tomorrow how it goes. So far my main symptom of this pregnancy is complete exhaustion. I've slept late and taken 2 hour naps. I forgot about that part. Oh yeah, meat smells horrible. This week I am still cooking meat but will opt for a salad instead of meat.
Monday: Pizza and Salad
Tuesday: Meal on the Go (Back to Ballet nights) Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and apple slices
Wednesday: Mini Meatloaf and Baked Potato's
Thursday: Freezer Purge Buffet. I've accumulated a lot of different little meals I am going to cook several and have a buffet.
Friday: Taco Soup
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