
Monday, September 6, 2010

Colic... Please Help Me!

As a mother of 4 I've been extremely lucky to have limited experience with colic.... baby tummy pain and excessive crying.

Kate who is now 12 had this. That was so long ago I forgot what to do. I've looked online. Everyone seems to push a supplement or product. I don't trust ad's I want to hear from real moms.

So tell me... what works.

She's already on sensitive formula. Yes, now I am really regretting not breastfeeding. I can hear some big fat I told you so's. Oh well, moving on....
The good news, she slept for 6 hours the other night. Mommy got a good nights sleep.


Nicole said...

Don't beat yourself up about the breastfeeding issue. The three last ones had big problems WITH breastfeeding! Soy formula was the only one that worked. And, Dawson couldn't take the powder. It had to be liquid. All three of them had a cow's milk protein allergy that followed them until they were toddlers. Brynne still suffers from it somewhat.

Just keep trying things. Try swaddling tight. Then try stripping her down to nothing but her diaper.

Try anything!

Good luck to you!!!

DeBran said...

Hi! My second son had colic something awful! And don't beat yourself about breastfeeding, I bf all three kids and my 2nd still had colic. And unfortunately, NOTHING worked with him. He cried about 8 or more hours a day from 5 or 6 weeks until about 5 or 6 months. It was torture! The only thing that would SOMEWHAT calm him down temporarily was a bath. So I gave him a bath multiple times a day. lol. I'm not trying to discourage you, but don't worry, she'll grow out of it and be sweet as pie. ;)

T said...

Okay I my last one had colic really bad for awhile and was an extreme projectile vomitter. We tried so many different formulas and nothing helped. Then a friend told me about Nestle Good Start formula. My Dr. was not to keen on me trying it but I was desperate and no lie after three days of being on it, she NEVER spit up again and was in no more tummy pain. My Dr. initially wasn't wanting me to do it because then it was a new formula and she was underweight already, but she soon put on the lbs and was so happy.

I really don't have any other tricks to try that doesn't involve formula but thought I would give our story!

Good luck!

teacherjanet said...

Happiest baby on the block by Dr. Karp. Great book even for non colicky babies. :)

Jenny said...

We used to stick Pierce in his car seat beacuse it was the perfect angle to keep food down after feeding then if he was still unhappy a trip to sit on top of the dryer always worked. Something about the noise/vibration helped settle him. He was on prevacid forever though and that really helped too. All that and he was a breastfed baby- don't be to hard on yourself all babies are different and grow happy and healthy regardless of how they got their food!

Tamara said...

Mylicon drops always worked wonders on my children. I never had extreme cases of colic withem them though. Best of luck!! Will keep you in my prayers!

Unknown said...

I breastfed and mine was COLICKY. The one thing that worked for him was the vacuum sweeper. Turn it on and he would almost pass out the minute you turned it off SCREAM. So we ran the vacuum sweeper every night 3-4 hours for about 3 months. It's worth a try.

Procrastination Via Sewing said...

Gripe water seems to help.


Sam's Mama said...

Our family loved The Happiest Baby on the Block - worked like a charm! Total lifesaver.

Dawn said...

We thought Kate had colic and turned out to be acid reflux. As soon as she could sit on her own it went away!

Teresa said...

This may sound strange. And some may not agree w/the treatment, but after 7 SOLID months of my son screaming, no more than 20 min of sleeping at a time...and I'm talking at night too, and TONS of spit up, going to my family dr over and over hearing "babies cry, he'll out grow it" and trying ALL formulas including $50 a can hypoallergenic- I visited a chiropractor. The first did back massages which helped his digestion, but the miracle worker (Dr.S.) did a pressure type massage on his tummy and with in 3 treatments was a different baby!!!!!!! He's in KS unfortunately not near you, but maybe if you called some chiropractors in your area they may offer some assistance. I personally had never been to one myself, until taking my son...scary due to all the "cracking" stories you hear, but it was nothing like that. Gentle and mostly massages. He made me a firm believer and even treated Aidan's chronic ear infections and we were able to avoid tubes!! You can check his website for additional info Again I know he's not near you. And I no longer live in that area, but should I have another baby that fussy I would travel back, stay with fam and treat the baby!! :)

all things girly said...

do NOT let people tell you that if you breastfed she wouldnt have colic! that's a crock.... you're doing great !! she is a doll and i dont think Olivia at almost 2 now has that much hair!!

Jennifer said...

Hey there! Although my kid never had colic, as a Childbirth Instructor we always tell our new moms to try things like a baby sling (they seem to like to be very close to you). If she doesn't like the closeness, try swaddling her and putting her in a baby swing. Sounds counter-intuitive to swaddle her and then put her in a swing, but it can really work (strapped in tightly of course). And she has to swing at the highest speed!! She's gonna want movement. Those two things together make her feel like she's in the womb again. To further the comfort, add white noise. This is all from Dr. Karp, 5 Steps to Soothe a Crying Baby.

The Drama Mama said...
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The Drama Mama said...

GRIPE WATER IS LIQUID GOLD! When I had Kole (over 8 years ago), I researched (AND RESEARCHED) and finally found Gripe Water. The only thing is, back then I had to order it from CANADA(!!!) they sell it pretty much anywhere. It is totally natural and I have never heard of it not working on anyone. Seriously, go out and get it!! I would love to hear back from you to see if you got it and the was night and day for Kole!

Good luck, hun! Praying for you now! Love, Prayers & BIG HUGS!!

Mommy Moxie said...

Jen, I was fortunate enough to miss the colic thing with mine, but if you're thinking about going the chiropractic route like Teresa suggested and need a great chiro here in DFW, I have one in Grapevine (and yes, we are close, I'm in Keller! Yay!)

Jennjilla said...

Saw this article today and thought of you. No big help tips you haven't done/heard about, but its always nice to know you are not alone!

Together We Save said...

I would try the liquid none of my girls could handle the powder and all 3 of mine loved the sound of the vacuumm. I know it is crazy but hey what ever works.