I took this photo straight out of my 15 year old daughters Seventeen magazine.
Did I buy it? Yes.
Did I read it first? No.
I only found out because of my open and honest relationship with my daughter. She brought the magazine to me saying "see this is why my friends are on the pill".
Here's a quote
"Birth control methods are like jeans: You may need to try a few on before finding a perfect fit. These girls love theirs!"
What? Are you kidding me comparing birth control to jeans.
Look at the other headline "Sex will be better if you use it"
The target audience for this magazine is 13 to 18.
This is not ok with me a mother of 3 girls.
Are you going to teach her morals or is Seventeen magazine?
I didn't know this article was in the magazine. The cover looks great with makeup tips and all about The Hunger Games.
Hidden inside is a message to our very impressionable young girls, it's ok to be promiscuous and you can get the pill without your parents knowing. What's next a guide to abortion?
I was reminded once again today, we have to be aware and downright snoopy when it's come to our children.
There are many wolves in sheep's clothing easily luring our children into making poor decisions.
We have been in trusted with these children and we are to teach them the moral compass.
My biggest advice after getting pregnant at 19 is talk to your daughter. Don't be naive, they know more than you think. The internet is littered with filth your children can easily see. Music videos, TV shows... the list goes on and on.
She will listen all you have to do is have a relationship where you can discuss sex openly and honestly.