It's official no more bed rest!!! My drs' appt went great today. I am still 3cm like I was at the hospital a week ago. The medication has been successful in stopping my progression. However, we hope that comes to a stop on Saturday when I am drug free.
My next post should be about the arrival of baby #4. This pregnancy has been a difficult one. I thank you all for the well wishes and prayers. They've sustained me the last 10 weeks.
A little frugal talk:
With my release we headed out to my favorite fatty restaurant... Snuffers for some cheese fries then to the town center for some back to school shopping. I've gained 21 pounds with the pregnancy so I thought I could indulge a bit. I also thought it would be easier to get some shopping done before baby arrives.
Gap: Has a ton of clearance items. They just started their additional 40% off clearance. This is also the best place for little boys jeans. All the other brands of jeans last 2 months then get holes in the knees with an active boy but Gap jeans last us around 6 months. Good enough for me!
Dehlia's: Is my teens favorite store at the moment. According to her they have the best jeans. They are very cute boot cut one's with stretchy material (Stella Cut) l. They are on sale, buy one get one 1/2. Plus if you try on a pair of jeans you get a $10 off coupon. They had a ton of shirts and clearance items in the $10 and under range.
Gymboree: They have most of their back to school items 40% off. Plus if you are a rewards member you get an additional 20% off. I bought Will a couple shirts for $10 each. I did online shopping the other day.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Serious Nesting
You hear or might recall the distinct nesting instinct before you have a baby. Let me share my past activities right before my kids were born:
Katelyn: I was in college and pulled an all nighter writing the best paper in my college career. It was due in a week but I had this strange instinct I had to finish it.
William: I was working full time. I took the afternoon off and did some final shopping for baby and finished my monthly reports... early.
Madeline: I obsessively painted the dining room at the new house. We were remodeling before we moved in. I finished the crown molding and headed to the hospital. My husband thought I was crazy.
Baby #4: Not sure this is it but this morning I woke up full of energy and organization on the brain. I reorganized my son's toy bins (sitting down), hung up pictures that have been waiting for months. Helped Madeline pick up her room. Ordered the kids to do their laundry and separated mine out. Last night I had my husband hang up the blinds in the baby's room. It's only 9 o'clock but fore some reason I have so much energy and I'm on fire. I've only had a few normal contractions. Although last night I tossed and turned and moaned with contractions.
So this could be it.... I've had 2 out of 3 children on the 27th. Today is the
27th.... I'm 35 weeks and 4 days. I'm ready, really ready. The last 10 weeks on some sort of bed rest and in and out of the hospital has taken a toll on me. I'm ready to just be Jen again and have the baby in my arms. Do you ladies remember that "OK, I'm tired of being pregnant moment?"
I know I should be resting I am off to take a shower then spend the rest of the day on the couch. It was just weird I had to share. Still hoping I hold off until Friday since that is my 36 week mark.
Katelyn: I was in college and pulled an all nighter writing the best paper in my college career. It was due in a week but I had this strange instinct I had to finish it.
William: I was working full time. I took the afternoon off and did some final shopping for baby and finished my monthly reports... early.
Madeline: I obsessively painted the dining room at the new house. We were remodeling before we moved in. I finished the crown molding and headed to the hospital. My husband thought I was crazy.
Baby #4: Not sure this is it but this morning I woke up full of energy and organization on the brain. I reorganized my son's toy bins (sitting down), hung up pictures that have been waiting for months. Helped Madeline pick up her room. Ordered the kids to do their laundry and separated mine out. Last night I had my husband hang up the blinds in the baby's room. It's only 9 o'clock but fore some reason I have so much energy and I'm on fire. I've only had a few normal contractions. Although last night I tossed and turned and moaned with contractions.
So this could be it.... I've had 2 out of 3 children on the 27th. Today is the
27th.... I'm 35 weeks and 4 days. I'm ready, really ready. The last 10 weeks on some sort of bed rest and in and out of the hospital has taken a toll on me. I'm ready to just be Jen again and have the baby in my arms. Do you ladies remember that "OK, I'm tired of being pregnant moment?"
I know I should be resting I am off to take a shower then spend the rest of the day on the couch. It was just weird I had to share. Still hoping I hold off until Friday since that is my 36 week mark.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Still Cookin & Baby Projects
All the drama and hospital stays started one week ago. Thank you God a week later baby is still baking in my tummy. As I type baby has the hiccups.
I haven't posted many pregnant photos. This was taken at my cousins on the 4th of July. Kind of a blurry pic but it's me... belly and all. I think I've gained a ton more belly since this was taken.
Last week before this all started I did some sewing. Yes, I was seriously nesting. I made a small blanket with scrap fabric and ribbon. I pulled out 3 old burp rags gender neutral and sewed on ribbon and trim.
I didn't want to go too girly in case it's a boy. Not really wanting to have a frilly little boy.
This was my big project... big brother and sister shirts. I've been searching etsy and ebay for weeks debating buying shirts. At about $30 each I decided I could try it myself.
The result $15 later this is what I got. They are very cute! My friend Jenny at BellaBowz made the bows for us. See we have 2 little onezies one for girl and one for boy. If it's a girl she's even got her first little bow.... so cute!!
We've got a poll going at our house. My husband's birthday is Wednesday, August 3rd. He thinks the baby will be born on his birthday. I think baby will come next Sunday the 1st.
So what do you think? When do you think baby will arrive? Just a clue
(I've NEVER gone past 36 weeks and 1 day)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Another Update
We want to thank you all for the emails, comments and phone calls. After a very eventful few days I am resting back at home. Let me tell you what's going on.
Sunday afternoon: when the nurse came for my 2nd steroid shot she thought I might be in labor. I had many signs. I got to the hospital and I was having contractions. They kept me for 24 hours then released me. I got home on Monday afternoon and during the night I developed a fever in addition to strong very painful contractions.
Tuesday Morning: I woke up with chills and a fever. I also did not feel the baby move after many trys to get the baby to wake up. Panic is an understatement. I was terrified something was very wrong. I called the dr and they immediately told me to head to L&D. I got there and my fever was 101.5 and my heart and the baby's was racing dangerously high. I was also contracting. They tested me for EVERYTHING I had an amino (which I don't ever want to relive) X-rays, tons of blood taken and fever reducers. Long story short they still do not know what caused the infection and fever. Thank you Lord it was NOT in my amniotic fluid and the baby is perfectly healthy and fine.
Thursday: I was released from the hospital and put back on bed rest. I resumed my terbutaline meds until next Friday. The amino showed the baby's lungs are NOT developed enough to breathe on it's own so we are holding off delivery until at least next Friday when I will be 36 weeks.
The Dr decided it was safe for me to be at home and not stay in the hospital because the contractions have not caused me to dialte beyond 3cm in the last 4 days. I was scared to come home to a stressful house with 3 kids but my family is wonderful and doing everything to eliminate stress.
So the plan is resting at home. I've got my mom staying here with us and helping. The might also head over to my parents house if things get too crazy. I would like to be around the kids if possible. My husband is also able to work from home.
So in a nutshell baby is still healthy in my tummy and we hope to gain another week.
This has been a crazy ride and I look forward to meeting my healthy baby in the next couple weeks. My biggest prayer is no NICU for us this time around. Our chances are great if we make it to next Friday.
Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers!
Sunday afternoon: when the nurse came for my 2nd steroid shot she thought I might be in labor. I had many signs. I got to the hospital and I was having contractions. They kept me for 24 hours then released me. I got home on Monday afternoon and during the night I developed a fever in addition to strong very painful contractions.
Tuesday Morning: I woke up with chills and a fever. I also did not feel the baby move after many trys to get the baby to wake up. Panic is an understatement. I was terrified something was very wrong. I called the dr and they immediately told me to head to L&D. I got there and my fever was 101.5 and my heart and the baby's was racing dangerously high. I was also contracting. They tested me for EVERYTHING I had an amino (which I don't ever want to relive) X-rays, tons of blood taken and fever reducers. Long story short they still do not know what caused the infection and fever. Thank you Lord it was NOT in my amniotic fluid and the baby is perfectly healthy and fine.
Thursday: I was released from the hospital and put back on bed rest. I resumed my terbutaline meds until next Friday. The amino showed the baby's lungs are NOT developed enough to breathe on it's own so we are holding off delivery until at least next Friday when I will be 36 weeks.
The Dr decided it was safe for me to be at home and not stay in the hospital because the contractions have not caused me to dialte beyond 3cm in the last 4 days. I was scared to come home to a stressful house with 3 kids but my family is wonderful and doing everything to eliminate stress.
So the plan is resting at home. I've got my mom staying here with us and helping. The might also head over to my parents house if things get too crazy. I would like to be around the kids if possible. My husband is also able to work from home.
So in a nutshell baby is still healthy in my tummy and we hope to gain another week.
This has been a crazy ride and I look forward to meeting my healthy baby in the next couple weeks. My biggest prayer is no NICU for us this time around. Our chances are great if we make it to next Friday.
Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Jennifer and the expected new baby are in good hands and doing well. We look forward to being home soon with our new gift. Thanks to all for your continued thoughts and prayers.
-Jen's Frugal Family
-Jen's Frugal Family
Monday, July 19, 2010
Trip to The Hospital
Yesterday afternoon the nurse came to give me my 2nd steroid shot. When she arrived she immediately thought I was in labor. After she gave me the shot we headed to the hospital. When I got there I was 2-3 cm dilated and 60% effaced. Talk about scared... we were terrified since I'm only 34 weeks.
They admitted me gave me more terbutaline by injection. That didn't stop the contractions they were very strong. I forgot that intense pain. I even signed the paperwork to get an epidural.
Then the contractions let up for a few hours. They moved me another room out of L&D. What finally stopped the contractions was lots of fluids and my oral dose of the terb. I was also having a reaction to the steroid shot. My face has swollen a ton. My skin is actually touching the sides of my glasses. To top it off my whole body is bright red and flushed like I have a sunburn. Gotta love the side effects of steroids. Thankful they are helping my little one's lungs develop. Makes it all worth it.
So they released me today and I got to go home around lunch time. I have not dilated or effaced since they first checked me. We got there just in time.
I'm not on strict bed rest surprisingly but on restricted activity which is very similar. However, I am putting my self on home lock down this next week. Praying little baby will hold off at least another week but our goal is 36 weeks the date is July 31st.
Thank you for your kind words and prayers!
They admitted me gave me more terbutaline by injection. That didn't stop the contractions they were very strong. I forgot that intense pain. I even signed the paperwork to get an epidural.
Then the contractions let up for a few hours. They moved me another room out of L&D. What finally stopped the contractions was lots of fluids and my oral dose of the terb. I was also having a reaction to the steroid shot. My face has swollen a ton. My skin is actually touching the sides of my glasses. To top it off my whole body is bright red and flushed like I have a sunburn. Gotta love the side effects of steroids. Thankful they are helping my little one's lungs develop. Makes it all worth it.
So they released me today and I got to go home around lunch time. I have not dilated or effaced since they first checked me. We got there just in time.
I'm not on strict bed rest surprisingly but on restricted activity which is very similar. However, I am putting my self on home lock down this next week. Praying little baby will hold off at least another week but our goal is 36 weeks the date is July 31st.
Thank you for your kind words and prayers!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Contractions Please Go Away...
Until at least next week. I'm now 34 weeks and 2 days. I'm 1/2 cm dilated... not much. The contractions have ramped up in intensity and frequency. Right when I'm ready to head to the hospital they stop. Yesterday I had the worst one I thought my water was going to break and the baby would be minutes away. Man it hurt bad. Funny how your body forgets about that pain after the baby arrives. Then you remember again when your pregnant.
Yesterday, I got my 1st of 2 shots of steroids for the baby's lung development. I get the 2nd one today. From what I've read for maximum effectiveness you need at least 48 hours prior to delivery. Any nurses out there know more?
This is all really wearing on me. It's been weeks since I've slept at night for more than a few hours. (My body will really be well adjusted for a new baby) That's the positive. The negative is my body is so worn down physically and emotionally. After I got the shot yesterday I started getting paranoid it was hurting the baby. You see I am the type that doesn't take very many meds when I'm pregnant. I feel the less you introduce into the body the better.
If you don't mind will you say a little prayer. Thank you my blog buddies! Thanks for listening (reading) to be vent a bit.
Yesterday, I got my 1st of 2 shots of steroids for the baby's lung development. I get the 2nd one today. From what I've read for maximum effectiveness you need at least 48 hours prior to delivery. Any nurses out there know more?
This is all really wearing on me. It's been weeks since I've slept at night for more than a few hours. (My body will really be well adjusted for a new baby) That's the positive. The negative is my body is so worn down physically and emotionally. After I got the shot yesterday I started getting paranoid it was hurting the baby. You see I am the type that doesn't take very many meds when I'm pregnant. I feel the less you introduce into the body the better.
If you don't mind will you say a little prayer. Thank you my blog buddies! Thanks for listening (reading) to be vent a bit.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
It's Almost Time.. Baby Room Is Ready
I am proud of say the baby's room is finally done! Let me share. Remember we don't know if it's a boy or girl. Can you tell what we think we are having?
My good friend Misti made this amazing and beautiful wreath. It will adorn the hospital door when we have baby.
Announcing our official baby names: We have an initial for "C" for Caroline
and an "A" for Alexander.
Yes, mom I still need someone to iron the bed skirt.
This bed was my crib as a child, all 3 of my children have slept peacefully on it. A few of my cousins and family friends have also used it. Don't worry it was never recalled and it's safe. I'm paranoid like that... I even remove the decorative end knobs once baby stands up.
I had a mismatched set of shelves so I painted them all red to match. This changing table has seen 3 coats of paint and 3 baby bottoms.
Love my glider... I've been known to sit in this spot and daydream about baby.
The red stars are just waiting cute little outfits.
Baby's already got a ton of toys thanks to hand me downs.
A new car seat was in order. I did my research and chose the Graco that holds baby's up to 32 pounds in this wonderful paisley pattern.
I am 33 weeks and 5 days.
Still having contractions.. last night we almost made another trip to L&D but my meds finally did their job.
Still on modified bedrest. I go back to the Dr tomorrow.
I had Madeline at 35 weeks and the other two at 36 weeks. We think baby will arrive on or around July 27th.
That is only a couple weeks away!!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Princess Table
My Little Miss loves dress up. With the addition of baby #4 we lost the playroom. So when we moved her to a big girl room I made little play areas for her.
This is her make up table. She actually uses this table... especially when she's supposed to be napping. I find her sitting here with her pretend blow dryer and straightener.
This is an easy and affordable little dress up table to mimic for your little princess. It just takes a few little pieces.
Mirror: Bombay Kids about 5 years ago this is a hand me down from big sister. You could use any mirror.
Lamp: $5 garage sale find with one of her FABULOUS glamRbaby bows adorning the shade. This is a great way to display outgrown baby bows.
Table: Craigslist find for $10. After baby comes I am going to repaint and put tulle around the bottom. Similar to this one.
Accessories: Wallyworld (Wal-mart) has a great princess hair set with a bag, pretend straightener, blow dryer, brush and hair things.
Friday, July 9, 2010
More Painting Projects
I finished up the 2nd set of wooden crosses for the kids room. My mom picked up unfinished wooden crosses at her last trip to Canton.
Oh how I love to paint! I finished up a cross for the baby's room and Will's room.
The baby's room is nautical theme. I am using Pottery Barn Casey Bedding. Did you know I found the bedding for $20? Gotta love garage sales. I am still working on the nursery I will share next week.
I love how Will's cross turned out.
After this baby comes I'm looking forward to my next big project.... painting the master bathroom cabinets.
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