Friday, April 30, 2010

Love.... Little Girl Shoes

I don't consider myself a shoe girl. But, when it comes to little girl shoe's it's a whole different story. I LOVE fancy little girl shoes!!! My Little Miss loves shoes. So I do what most parents do... indulge. Hey, fancy shoes spruce up any little inexpensive dress or outfit.

Aren't these the cutest little girl shoes! I was browsing Ella Bella yesterday and came across their large sale section and found these beautiful shoes for only $15. They are normally $30. We love the wee squeak brands. However these do not squeak which is what I wanted. I am over the squeaks, Madeline's a bit big for that.

$15 is a great price for this quality. I just spent the same price for some sandal's at Target for my little miss.

Check them out if you live near Southlake.

Little Preview: I found the BEST garage sale find this morning! I got an outdoor wicker patio set for $30. WOW! It just needs a coat of spray paint and some new cushions. I can't wait to show it off next week.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Donations Anyone???

This post is kind of a rant but also my opinion.

It seems that everywhere I turn I've got someone asking for something. Don't get me wrong I am generous and consider myself a Christian. I seek to do things for others and on many occasions help out my friends in need (which I enjoy). That's not what I am talking about.

Specifically I mean the endless fundraisers for schools, sports teams, neighbors selling, friends selling goods, people asking you on the street.... money just out the door.

Sometimes it seems enough is enough!

So my question to you is... how do you politely say "thanks but no thanks"?

Whew, I feel better that's off my chest.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesdays Tip - Bed Sheets

Satin sheets for a toddler are NOT a good idea! Little Miss slipped all around and fell off the bed at night and during nap time.

I headed out to find her some new sheets last night. I hit TJ Max and Ross. Too bad they have a very limited stock of twin sizes. I ended up at Bed Bath & Beyond. Did you know you can spend over $100 for twin sheets? That's crazy.

The cheapest sheets were 200 thread count. They felt very rough. Even a step up to 300 felt rough. Plus they were $35. After reviewing the thread count I decided to go with jersey sheets for her room. They were affordable and very soft. The sheet set was $19. I've seen them at target for the same price.

The verdict.... love them! She slept great last night. Most of all no falls!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Big Girl Bed and Menu Monday

The big girl twin bed has arrived! The first night we had no falls. Last night poor girl slipped out of bed 2 times. Thinking the silk sheets are to blame.

Yesterday I painted her chandelier mural. She picked the color.... surprise pink! I've got a ton more to do. This is the only part of the room put together. I think I am going to hang a rod and drapes around the bed. What do you think? If so what color? This was her nursery in her old room. Loved it!

This is the mess left behind. I primed the flowers and was able to touch up the paint with the old yellow color. It's the junk room until her new room is finished. Soon it will be baby's room.

Speaking of baby... this morning is our big 22 week sonogram! As of right now we aren't going to find out.

On to some food:
Monday: Quesadilla's with leftover fajita fixins from Sunday dinner.
Tuesday: Frozen Pizza Night
Wednesday: Breakfast for Dinner
Thursday: Freezer Purge Buffet
Friday: Grill Burgers

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How I Met My House Party

We met our house about three years ago when I was 8 months pregnant with our youngest. We weren't looking to move quite yet but when this house came up for sale it had all the things on our list so we had to get it. My husband had a big restriction it had to be within 5 minutes from his office. I was thrilled to find a 5 bedroom on a cul-de-sac with great schools. It just needed some updating and TLC.

Remodeling and being 9 months pregnant not a good combo!
Let me show you some of our transformations.

First our dining room. It was mean and green....

Now it's my style. My favorite part of the room is the window treatments. Can you believe I found them at Lowe's??
Next the formal living room turned home office.

We closed off a wall and added french doors.
The perfect place for my husband to work when he's at home.

Our lovely old blue and white laminate counters. Oh joy! Love at first sight right? NO!!
Glad to see those go with new counter tops and my favorite a slate back splash.
We started with a bright yellow glowing room.
To a nice relaxing brown.
I tackled the laundry room making it an almost enjoyable place. I'd love it if I enjoyed laundry!
Black and Bold.
Thanks for visiting! I enjoy doing home decor projects on a budget.
Always looking for new inspiration. I am currently working on my youngest daughters big girl room. We are expecting baby #4 in August. Lots to do!
Bye, Bye!

Spring Cleaning and Painting

I've been busy lots of spring cleaning, garage sale and getting Little Misses room ready.

Monday I painted her room Princess Pink a Valspar Signature color. It's the perfect soft shade of pink.

This weekend we will start putting her room together. Right now all her toys are on the floor along with her toddler mattress. She's loving it.But it's making me crazy not having a room put together and decorated the way I want.

Hope to have some more progress next week with her beautiful bed and a special mural I am painting. Speaking of spring cleaning. Does this photo need any words? Maybe an explanation. I decided to get down all of Madeline's clothes since birth and organize them.

I got all of this.....

Into this! Gotta love shrinky bags.
Today I am mopping the floors and cleaning all the baseboards downstairs.
So much for taking it easy!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Garage Sale

We are having a big garage sale tomorrow and Saturday. I cannot wait to have all the stuff out of the house so I can get busy on redoing some rooms. We live on the edge... we are debating just getting rid of our bedroom furniture. Which would mean matress on the floor until we find our "dream" set. Knowing me I would find something next week. I am going for the hotel relaxing feel.

If you are a garage sale shopper in the area email me and I can give you our address our neighborhood is having a sale and one of those big fancy neighborhoods down the street is also have a sale I can tell you about that one too. I hope to take a break from ours to head to some sales.

Next week..... Madeline's big girl room will take shape!! I plan to have her completely moved in by next Friday.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Middle Aged Baby Body

Over the last week I've been experiencing some heavy pressure and I was getting paranoid about something being wrong. I called the Dr first thing yesterday and took it easy until my appointment. You see when I was pregnant with Madeline I was on and off bed rest several times.

I am a bit of a hypochondriac just ask my husband. I was for sure I was dilated and all worst case scenario just plain negative.

Once I got to the Dr I felt better just waiting to know and check. Thank you God everything is fine! So what's the pressure? Well I've had 5 pregnancies and my middle aged (ha ha) body isn't as strong as it used to be.

So I was sent off told no more jumping around at the gym and heavy lifting. That aggravates things and makes it worse. One more thing, a belly band. I found one in my lucky maternity bin and surprisingly I put it on and it's like magic it helps hold my growing tummy and takes away the pressure.

So after a scare and panic everything is OK.

So have any of you moms to multipe kids had this problem? Seriously I am thinking how Michelle Dugger does it after 19 kids?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Menu Monday

Another Menu Monday, wow how the weeks fly by! Seems like I am always planning a menu or cooking (which I completely enjoy)! I did a weigh in last week. All I can say is 3 pounds in one week = not good...... my appetite is overwhelming and I am eating EVERYTHING I crave. At least I have a good gym membership because after the baby I am there EVERY day.

Monday: Dance night - Baked Potato's and Salad (I put them in the oven for an hour and ready to pull out before we head to dance)

Tuesday: Frozen Pizza. We've deemed this the easiest meal for Tuesdays. My husband gets home and pops it in the oven while I am taking Kate to dance when I get home it's hot and ready.

Wednesday: Tacos!!! Oh how I just love taco's!

Thursday: Grilled Burritos with leftover taco meat. Can't have enough of a good thing :)

Friday: I have NO idea. We are having our big garage sale on Friday and Saturday so I am thinking we will probably grill out burgers or take out some food. I will post tomorrow about my weekend gargage sale finds and our big sale.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Craigslist..... love it!!

Oh how I love to search Craigslist and find something wonderful!
You can imagine my excitement when I saw this photo for a twin bed.

An email, visit and $115 later. It's mine all mine!
It's beautiful and Madeline just loves it. Now waiting to buy a mattress and get in our bedding.

One more big thing, I have to clean out the huge mess of a playroom/ guestroom/ garage sale room.

For now it's in the garage waiting to send Madeline off to dreamland.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Blessings

Easter Sunday is one of my favorite days of the year. It's such a beautiful service after a long 40 day Lenten season (The 40 days prior to Easter). As a Catholic convert (I was raised Baptist) this is a special time for fasting, reflection and preparation. We all need this time in our life.
Little Miss doing some egg hunting at home. These two were so thrilled to wake up, get dressed and see some treats waiting for them.

The trio after mass. This as good as it gets posing 3 kids.
This lent was a difficult one for me. I made a priority to really take time for myself and reflect. It's quiet times with God that you realize areas that need improving. Wow, I prayed for a transformation and I had no idea the junk that comes out during that process.
You might have noticed my lack of blogging or change in posts this had to do with my inner changing.
I hope to become the wife, mother and friend I've always wanted to be. Sometimes even as a 30 something mom we still have childish ways we need to let go of. I pray daily for my strength and for God's will to be done.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Make a Wants and Need List

Josh and I headed out for dinner on Saturday night without the kids. It's wonderful to have a built in babysitter. Kate's a wonderful big sister!

Our dinner wasn't all pleasure we had some business to attend to. We had to make a long overdue list of all the expenses and things we needed done and things we wanted. Guess what was at the top of my "want list".

A new backyard swing set for the kids. This one to be exact....

We for the most part are not impulse buyers. When it come to major purchases (over $300) we plan it and research it and get each others approval.

Madeline's Room: NEED It seems right now we've got a lot of items and they all add up fast. I am doing Madeline's room first. This weekend is a great garage sale weekend I hope to find a twin bed frame and a dresser to paint sage green. I will buy her a twin mattress new. Used beds freak me out!

Baby's Nursery: NEED Since we aren't going to find out I am going with a gender neutral theme. I found some great bedding online then happened across a used set on Craigslist for $50. I am heading to see it this week. It's got primary colors and matches many accessories I already have at home.

Patio Furniture:WANT This is becoming a need. Really it's my have to have want. I am going to wait until the end of summer when the sets go on sale and hopefully we can snatch a great deal.

What's at the top of your want/ need list?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Menu Monday and Girls Bedding

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Our family enjoyed a day together celebrating. We started a new family tradition this year of me making a big meal at home with just us and the kids. I made chicken cordon blue, broccoli rice and cheese, mashed potato's, sweet rolls and an apple crisp with ice cream for dessert. It was a big hit and wow, we all looked pregnant after we ate :)

After a long search for bedding for Madeline's big girl room I found it and bought it! I am going for the shabby chic look. The company I bought it from has a great website . They also have an ebay store and you can bid on the same items for about $30 - 40 cheaper.

I can't wait for our big garage sale so I can get everything out of the junk room and get working on her big room. After that you know it's time to work on the nursery.
Speaking of nursery..... we decided to NOT find out if it's a boy or girl. Yes, it will be a surprise! I am doing a neutral nursery. We've gone back and forth on this idea and figure since it's #4 and most likely our last we should do a surprise.

OK on to meals this week:

Monday: Leftovers from our big Sunday Easter dinner
Tuesday: Busy dance night of sandwiches and pasta salad
Wednesday: Spaghetti and Meatballs with Salad
Thursday: Freezer Purge
Friday: Make your own pizza is back!