Monday, April 5, 2010

Menu Monday and Girls Bedding

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Our family enjoyed a day together celebrating. We started a new family tradition this year of me making a big meal at home with just us and the kids. I made chicken cordon blue, broccoli rice and cheese, mashed potato's, sweet rolls and an apple crisp with ice cream for dessert. It was a big hit and wow, we all looked pregnant after we ate :)

After a long search for bedding for Madeline's big girl room I found it and bought it! I am going for the shabby chic look. The company I bought it from has a great website . They also have an ebay store and you can bid on the same items for about $30 - 40 cheaper.

I can't wait for our big garage sale so I can get everything out of the junk room and get working on her big room. After that you know it's time to work on the nursery.
Speaking of nursery..... we decided to NOT find out if it's a boy or girl. Yes, it will be a surprise! I am doing a neutral nursery. We've gone back and forth on this idea and figure since it's #4 and most likely our last we should do a surprise.

OK on to meals this week:

Monday: Leftovers from our big Sunday Easter dinner
Tuesday: Busy dance night of sandwiches and pasta salad
Wednesday: Spaghetti and Meatballs with Salad
Thursday: Freezer Purge
Friday: Make your own pizza is back!


  1. I think waiting to find out the sex if fun! My hubby wanted to know and I didn't. We wanted until Feb. (I was due May 5) and I gave in. Wish I would have waited. LOL! too late now...he is turning 16!

  2. Love the bedding! Finding out when the baby is born is exciting...I just couldn't wait on the 2nd one. I didn't have a choice on the first our sonogram was too early.

  3. So exciting to wait to find out the sex. When is your due date?

  4. Oh Jennifer you are going to torture me and poor Will! But it will definitely make things exciting!

  5. Love, love, love the bedding too cute! I am so struggling with what to do with Ashlyn's playroom. Any suggestions on where to find cute ideas???

  6. has a huge selection of NFL Bedding, NFL Logo Bedding, NFL Bedroom gear, Football Kids Bedding, Sports Bedding, NFL Blankets, NFL Pillows, NFL Comforters, NFL Drapes, NFL Valance, NFL Bean Bags at discount prices.

  7. That bedding is SO pretty! I think it's great that you are not going to find out the sex of the baby and be surprised. I couldn't do it!

  8. I'm so excited you're going to wait to find out!! We had two surprises and it's so fun! PLUS you'll save money because you won't be tempted to buy clothes for the baby :) It's the best surprise ever!!


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