Thursday, April 8, 2010

Craigslist..... love it!!

Oh how I love to search Craigslist and find something wonderful!
You can imagine my excitement when I saw this photo for a twin bed.

An email, visit and $115 later. It's mine all mine!
It's beautiful and Madeline just loves it. Now waiting to buy a mattress and get in our bedding.

One more big thing, I have to clean out the huge mess of a playroom/ guestroom/ garage sale room.

For now it's in the garage waiting to send Madeline off to dreamland.


  1. Very cute! I can't wait to see her finished room!

  2. That is such a cute bed! I'm sure it will look amazing when everything comes together.

    I just love craigslist, sometimes you can get really lucky :)


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