Monday, April 12, 2010

Menu Monday

Another Menu Monday, wow how the weeks fly by! Seems like I am always planning a menu or cooking (which I completely enjoy)! I did a weigh in last week. All I can say is 3 pounds in one week = not good...... my appetite is overwhelming and I am eating EVERYTHING I crave. At least I have a good gym membership because after the baby I am there EVERY day.

Monday: Dance night - Baked Potato's and Salad (I put them in the oven for an hour and ready to pull out before we head to dance)

Tuesday: Frozen Pizza. We've deemed this the easiest meal for Tuesdays. My husband gets home and pops it in the oven while I am taking Kate to dance when I get home it's hot and ready.

Wednesday: Tacos!!! Oh how I just love taco's!

Thursday: Grilled Burritos with leftover taco meat. Can't have enough of a good thing :)

Friday: I have NO idea. We are having our big garage sale on Friday and Saturday so I am thinking we will probably grill out burgers or take out some food. I will post tomorrow about my weekend gargage sale finds and our big sale.


  1. We are severely needing to have a garage sale! Hope you make tons!

  2. OK let's plan a lunch date next week for real! I have Disciple Now at my house this weekend with a bunch of teenage girls. And it looks like you'll be busy with garage sale stuff. So let me know when you're free next week!


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