Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Make a Wants and Need List

Josh and I headed out for dinner on Saturday night without the kids. It's wonderful to have a built in babysitter. Kate's a wonderful big sister!

Our dinner wasn't all pleasure we had some business to attend to. We had to make a long overdue list of all the expenses and things we needed done and things we wanted. Guess what was at the top of my "want list".

A new backyard swing set for the kids. This one to be exact....

We for the most part are not impulse buyers. When it come to major purchases (over $300) we plan it and research it and get each others approval.

Madeline's Room: NEED It seems right now we've got a lot of items and they all add up fast. I am doing Madeline's room first. This weekend is a great garage sale weekend I hope to find a twin bed frame and a dresser to paint sage green. I will buy her a twin mattress new. Used beds freak me out!

Baby's Nursery: NEED Since we aren't going to find out I am going with a gender neutral theme. I found some great bedding online then happened across a used set on Craigslist for $50. I am heading to see it this week. It's got primary colors and matches many accessories I already have at home.

Patio Furniture:WANT This is becoming a need. Really it's my have to have want. I am going to wait until the end of summer when the sets go on sale and hopefully we can snatch a great deal.

What's at the top of your want/ need list?


  1. We are making similar lists! I got my patio set last year for my birthday (August) at Walmart. It was a $500 set that I got for $200. I knew they went on sale around then, so I went out every day to look. It was at $300 for a long time, but I knew it would go lower. When I went out one evening and it was $200, I sat on it and called Rick to come out. I LOVE IT!!!

  2. I guess it's a blessing that my wants list really is what it comes down to because we really have everything we need. I mean, we need to finish our renovations, so that's probably at the top of the list: finishing the range hood in the kitchen, and I would like an outdoor grill, and to redo the deck.

  3. We just bought a new swing set from Academy. It's sitting in my garage, waiting to be installed this weekend and I can't wait. Our current one is rotting and my 8 year old almost fell through it. I found a guy to install it for me too for pretty cheap - he was installing the demo at Academy. My husband travels a lot and has no time (patience) for a 2 day install. Let me know if you want his number. As for wants? I want a new coffee table. And a new camera. And an elliptical for my home. And curtains for my bedroom. And to tile my back porch and front porch. Oh and a pool. LOL - but I can survive without all of these. Like the other poster said, it's hard to complain when our basic needs and most wants are taken care of. But it's important to make a list of things you need and want to keep you motivated to be frugal!

  4. My needs list is finishing up the kiddos decor for their new rooms. One of my wants which is actually about to happen is a trip away from home with the hubby without kids.

    I would love to have a swing set for the kids like that too!

  5. We're buying our first house in just a couple of weeks, so it has become a big thing to narrow down Needs vs Wants. Since the house is in very good shape, we decided to paint a few rooms first thing, to brighten it up a bit, but not to do any (or much) work inside the house this summer.

    We are going to install our own patio. This is going to be expensive, but I love to sit outside all year (even on nice winter days!) so This is a "need to have" want. I got a bonus at work do decided to use it for this.

  6. My want is landscaping and front porch furniture.

    Nothing big, right?

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