Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring Cleaning and Painting

I've been busy lots of spring cleaning, garage sale and getting Little Misses room ready.

Monday I painted her room Princess Pink a Valspar Signature color. It's the perfect soft shade of pink.

This weekend we will start putting her room together. Right now all her toys are on the floor along with her toddler mattress. She's loving it.But it's making me crazy not having a room put together and decorated the way I want.

Hope to have some more progress next week with her beautiful bed and a special mural I am painting. Speaking of spring cleaning. Does this photo need any words? Maybe an explanation. I decided to get down all of Madeline's clothes since birth and organize them.

I got all of this.....

Into this! Gotta love shrinky bags.
Today I am mopping the floors and cleaning all the baseboards downstairs.
So much for taking it easy!

1 comment:

  1. You've inspired me to clean baseboards today. I noticed yesterday how dusty they are.


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