Saturday, May 30, 2009

Clean Up, Clean Up... Everybody Everywhere...

Yes, we sing the Barney song to clean up. Remember my kids took my mind and won't give it back!

After browsing lots of great kids rooms from Kelly's show us where you live blog, I've decided I need to unclutter and thin out toys.

I watch all the home declutter shows and have the knowledge but I just haven't wanted to. Too much work and fits from the kids. Not worth it. Until this morning. I have a new found motivation to clean out junk. I am going to tackle my side of the closet, the playroom, and the kids rooms over the summer.

This is my daughters desk area, which has accumulated a lot of um.. junk. I would love to provide her with some good organization since she is now a 7th grader.

This is what I would like to turn it into:

I just need to tell my self. I think I can, I think I can... until I just do it!

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Show Us Where you Live - Kid's Room

It's Friday and Kelly is once again hosting "Show Us Where You Live". Today is the kids rooms. Let me tell you I picked the rooms up, yes I know it's still cluttered. I have this dream of a pottery barn style room all nice and tidy everything in it's place. I have 3 kids I can dream right?

First off is Little Misses Room. This first photo was taken when she was little.. take a look at the 2nd photo see how it gets more cluttered now she is 2.

See how we added a shelf and toys. My changing table is red, yes it doesn't match at all. Surprising I am the spray paint girl and somehow I've forgotten this piece and it is about to exit her room.

Looking the other direction. The crib was mine when I was little. It looks totally old school but it is special. I am afraid to paint it my kids have been known to chew on furniture.

On to the pre-teen's room. Kate is 12. Notice the pink ceiling fan. It was ugly gold and brown. I spray painted it pink and white. Works wonderful and looks great!

She picked out her custom mural I did for her. She loves bright flowers and colors.

Last but not least, little dude's room. He is 5 and very into all the toys boys enjoy. I think we have an absolute overload of toys. We can't seem to thin them out. This is my favorite part of his room the airplane and his name.
He is my little artist. He wanted his own artwork over the bed. He also picked out what he wanted painted on his wall. He drew the street and I painted it and added his special vehicles along the road.

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Thrifty Thursday- More Spray Painting

My bathroom door knob is holding up so well I decided to do another one. Now the hall closet door looks great with the new paint. I used the oil rubbed bronze spray paint it gives it a great look. I was afraid it would look spray painted it doesn't it looks just like the one we bought.

Speaking of things I've spray painted. I spray painted all the door pulls in the kitchen and bathrooms from gold to black. They have lasted great for 2 years. I didn't prime them so the one's I use everyday have chipped a little but they have this distressed look.

See all my knobs spray painted black:

See the knobs all gold.... um also the house looks a lot different. Wow, we've done a lot in 2 years. When I get discouraged about wanting more things for the house I need to just take a look at this photo.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wasteless Wednesday

Attention Mini-Van moms!!! Make sure your kids don't play with your inside lights like mine do. After much fun in the play land of the mini-van the lights were left on overnight and completely ran the battery dead... a 2 year old battery at that. It died before it's time. Farewell old battery, because we have a new one her name is $$$$$.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday Tip- Spray Painting Door Knobs

I've been thinking about trying this for a while. I just needed a little push. We went to dinner with some friends last weekend and she told me how she spray painted her door knobs. She lives in an ultra swanky neighborhood so I figured I could give it a try with my frugalness.

I am loving it!!! I have started spraying my gold knobs with oil rubbed bronze spray paint. Let me share.

Here is the before my gold knobs. Not bad but doesn't go with all the new fixtures we've installed.

I took them off and put them into an old box. Don't forget to paint the screws.

Primer is a MUST! Prime and let dry for at least 3 - 4 hours. You have to be patient. Then spray with the final color. I used American Traditions Oil Rubbed Bronze from Lowe's.

Let it dry overnight. Then reattach and viola you have new knobs! Here is the new look. I will keep you posted on how it holds up. If it starts peeling I will take off and spend the $25 to replace this one.

Here is the link to the update on how these are holding up.

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Menu Monday & Garage Sale Finds

This past weekend was full of big meals... really big meals. I think I could start a liquid diet I am tired of eating. Do you ever get that way? As I write this I am overly stuffed. Since we have 3 children we must eat so here is our meal plan.

Monday: (Memorial Day) My oldest has school it is a make up snow day :(. It is also my mother's birthday. Happy Birthday Mom!! We are eating Lean Bacon Cheese Burgers and Tator Tots

Tuesday: Grilled Chicken Fajitas and Homemade Guac

Wednesday: Posh Josh and kids are fending for themselves (McDonald's), I am going to dinner with my church journal group.

Thursday: Frozen Pizza

Friday: Out to eat with friends, kids are staying with my parents. Yeah for another date night dinner!

On to Garage Sale Finds.
Rhonda at Southern Hospitality is hosting a garage sale find linky party. I found this great lamp for $5. I painted it black (like I do almost everything). Found a great place for it, on my entry table.

Here is the before picture. Still looks great in gold. I kinda wish I left it alone. I am not loving it in black. I think I might add a little gold glazing to accent it.

Coming up tomorrow.... you will not believe what I am spray painting now!

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Freebie Friday

Today, I have some great restaurant freebies. Everyone likes to eat out right?

Free Frozen Lemonade from Corner Bakery - this sounds wonderful on a hot summer day!

Join the Quizno's club and get free food- I have never been to Quizno's but this gives me a great reason to visit.

Chili's Email club- I've mentioned this one before. Once you sign up you get multiple coupons. Last week I got one for $5 off a $15 purchase.

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Special: Show Us Where You Live

Kelly is hosting Show Us Where You Live Friday! Welcome to my Dining Room. This is my favorite room in the house! I took time and found all the special touches to make the room my style.
I plan to change the chair covers to a taupe and brown zebra print. I am on the lookout for fabric. We eat as a family every Sunday in our dining room. We even get out the crystal and china, gotta put that stuff to use! Now let me show you around. I found these fabulous shelves at a garage sale for $5 and with some paint and family photos they were transformed!

This is our wine/coffee bar. Surrounded by our wedding memories. I am thinking of adding some picture frame molding below the chair rail. What do you think, I welcome idea's?

This is a shot looking in from the entry. My favorite part of the room is my striped drapes, can you believe I found these at Lowe's?

Here is one before shot right after we painted, got new carpet and light fixture. The wall color looks so different without the drapes and decor.

This is the way before shot! We took this photo when we were looking at the house to buy. I saw the potential back then.

Thanks for visiting! If you missed it here is my living room and kitchen (I highlight our redo).

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Thrifty Thursday

I've been admiring painted wooden crosses for a while. When my mom was in Canton, TX for first monday trade days she came across these wonderful unpainted crosses. She got them for about $3 each. So with a little paint, stain and fun......

I made my own painted crosses! All I used was black spray paint, cream spray paint and stain to go over the cream cross. Finished off with a coat of Poly.... done!
I want to pick up some more and decorate for the girls. I see bright funky colors! Stay tuned more coming.

It's not as fancy as the boutique one's but I sure enjoy it!

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wasteless Wednesday- Free Movies Summer Fun

School is out in 2 weeks! Yikes!!! What are we going to do for fun? Well I have a couple things figured out first, FREE MOVIES!! Every summer when we attend several times. I get giddy knowing that we go free instead of paying $8 a person.

Free Movies
Regal Theatres
Rave Movie Theatres

Almost Free... Cheap Movies:
$1 each or $5 for 10 shows ahead Cinemark

$1 AMC Theatres

$1 Kids, $2 Adults Studio Movie Grill

$5 for 10 movies Harkins Theatres

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesdays Tip - Ugly Frames?

Lately at garage sales I've found lots of great wooden frames. I am really into painting and distressing things right now. What better way to practice then on frames. One day I dream of painting my cabinets and distressing (like Kelly's) .... but until then I will practice on frames.

Here is my finished product, a nice antiqued frame featuring me and my hubby.

Before a plain brown wooden frame.

How did I do it? Let me share:
  1. Wiped clean
  2. Primed with primer spray paint
  3. Spray painted cream
  4. Wiped on stain and then rubbed it off.
  5. Done!
Check your closets you might have some frames you could paint too!

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Monday, May 18, 2009

Menu Monday

Another busy week. We have 2 weeks left of school then summer time, yeah! Scroll down for photos and tips from Madeline's frugal party.

Freebie today!!! Hurry Get your free DiGiorno Flatbread Coupon today only!

Monday: Madeline's actual b-day so she gets her favorites.... Chicken Nuggets, Mac & Cheese, and Tator Tot's

Tuesday: We are having a home owner's association meeting at our home so easy sandwiches and chips

Wednesday: Grilled Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo, this is a good lower fat recipe.

Thursday: Another ballet night.... Frozen Red Barron Pizza. I picked them up on sale for $3 each.

Friday: Dinner out with friends... no kids! So that means no Chili's, Chuck E Cheese or McDonald's!

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Frugal Fabulous Party!

Little Miss had a wonderful 2nd Birthday Party! Now let me share how we made it frugal and fabulous....

#1 I bought all the paper good and decorations at the Dollar Tree, where everything was really $1.

#2 I had a friend Adrien, custom make her birthday invitation in a 5 X 7 photo size then had them printed at winkflash for about 20 cents each.

#3 We had the party at our house! No rental fee's and we have a lot of toys. We planed to have my friend Aimee bring their bounce house but it was raining ;(

#4 We served lunch, hot dogs, flower sandwiches, fruit, chips and kid snacks.

#5 I baked the cake and cupcakes myself. We've done many expensive bakery cakes that cost $50 + and really all people care about is eating the cake! Look little miss enjoyed her cupcake. Thanks Jenny at Bella Bowz for the custom bows to match her dress that Auntie Adrien made!

Here is a photo of the cake I made. I borrowed the flower cake pan from my friend Ashlee and added M &M's to make the flower details. I love the way the chandelier in the kitchen turned out with the girly stuff!

#6 Good old fashion fun... playing outside. Since it was raining we were not able to do all the activities we had planned. The kids did play in the sandbox, swing, color, blow bubbles, and chalk on the patio.

#7 We make a DVD slide show of the last year and show it at the party. This is a special tradition. It is my way of scrap booking for my kids.

#8 Perfect party favors! I found these cute flower purses at the Dollar Tree. I filled with bubbles, a sucker and a flower plastic cookie cutter. They also served as decorations lining the stairway.

I have more photos on my family blog! My friend Ashlee also has some great photos posted. Thanks Ashlee for letting me use some of your photos! I am hoping my friend Jenny posts some photos (hint hint). Her husband Rick was busy taking photos!

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