Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wasteless Wednesday

Attention Mini-Van moms!!! Make sure your kids don't play with your inside lights like mine do. After much fun in the play land of the mini-van the lights were left on overnight and completely ran the battery dead... a 2 year old battery at that. It died before it's time. Farewell old battery, because we have a new one her name is $$$$$.

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  1. that stinks! I just bought my first minivan (which I claimed I wouldnever do) and I LOVE IT!!!!

  2. After this happening to us, I have a tip from the dealership... turn your lights to the "off" position at the master control in the front of the car - mine is the same as the control that dims the lights behind the speed control, etc. This way, if a light is on in the car, you know it's been turned on and isn't just because the door is open. This tip has already saved us a battery... or two, or three...

  3. Just wanted to stop by to thank you so much for the prayers and support for Bentley. We are so grateful for amazing bloggin' friends like you. Although we do not personally know each other, support is support and I hold that close to my heart!! Thank you so much!!


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