Monday, May 25, 2009

Menu Monday & Garage Sale Finds

This past weekend was full of big meals... really big meals. I think I could start a liquid diet I am tired of eating. Do you ever get that way? As I write this I am overly stuffed. Since we have 3 children we must eat so here is our meal plan.

Monday: (Memorial Day) My oldest has school it is a make up snow day :(. It is also my mother's birthday. Happy Birthday Mom!! We are eating Lean Bacon Cheese Burgers and Tator Tots

Tuesday: Grilled Chicken Fajitas and Homemade Guac

Wednesday: Posh Josh and kids are fending for themselves (McDonald's), I am going to dinner with my church journal group.

Thursday: Frozen Pizza

Friday: Out to eat with friends, kids are staying with my parents. Yeah for another date night dinner!

On to Garage Sale Finds.
Rhonda at Southern Hospitality is hosting a garage sale find linky party. I found this great lamp for $5. I painted it black (like I do almost everything). Found a great place for it, on my entry table.

Here is the before picture. Still looks great in gold. I kinda wish I left it alone. I am not loving it in black. I think I might add a little gold glazing to accent it.

Coming up tomorrow.... you will not believe what I am spray painting now!

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  1. Have you ever done that huge garage sale from Ohio to Alabama in August?? I dream of that. The deals! The finds! The bargains!! The need for a uhaul.

    I really like this post- need for a liquid diet- I'm with you!


  2. I wish I would have found some really good deals this last weekend. I didn't find much of anything that was worth buying.

    I think the lamp would look good with gold accents!

  3. I like the black paint too :)

    Do you have an outlet up high? It doesn't look like it's plugged in down low, where I would have imagined an outlet would be, so I am curious!

  4. Nice lamp! You could add some Gold Rub N Buff to the lamp to add some highlights. Actually I love the Spanish copper color too.

  5. That lamp is really cute - either way. I agree with Rhoda - rub & buff and you will be satisfied. Also, love your kitchen cabinets - mine are glazed, too (at least your look glazed?). Linda

  6. Great find. Out of town for the weekend and past many signs, but did not stop.

  7. You have a really great blog! Thanks for sharing! I'll use some of these ideas :)


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