Friday, May 22, 2009

Freebie Friday

Today, I have some great restaurant freebies. Everyone likes to eat out right?

Free Frozen Lemonade from Corner Bakery - this sounds wonderful on a hot summer day!

Join the Quizno's club and get free food- I have never been to Quizno's but this gives me a great reason to visit.

Chili's Email club- I've mentioned this one before. Once you sign up you get multiple coupons. Last week I got one for $5 off a $15 purchase.

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1 comment:

  1. I loved reading your blog tonight.
    Be sure and stop by my blog and sign up for the "10 Giveaways" that I will draw for on Wednesday.

    Also, please pray for sweet Maggie as she returns to St Jude's this week. Would love for you to grab her button for your blog...


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