Thursday, January 12, 2012

Family Time

I've been MIA a bit on my blog. We've been busy around here.

We've had Christmas break movie sleepovers at home. Santa brought Will a skateboard.... praying for no broken bones. You can see Kate in the background, the teenager is most interested in trendy stuff.

My little cowboy is growing up.

So is my littlest baby. She finally started walking at 17 months old. Scooting and being carried is much faster than walking. She's a smart one!

Madeline showed off her acting skills in the church Christmas pageant. She's the little lamb with the baby stuffed lamb in front of her face. My girl got shy, but she was so darn cute!

We took a family trip minus the baby to the symphony to see the in real life Von Trapp family singers. Our favorite movie is The Sound of Music. They were amazing!

Madeline made muffin tin crayons. Sporting her favorite shirt. My "vintage Jennifer" strawberry shortcake shirt.

We're doing homeschool pre-school this is one of our projects.

I had the honor of attending a mother/ daughter luncheon at my oldest daughters high school. I'm so proud of the young lady she has become.

I might not be busy blogging but I'm busy around the house.

We are working on some new projects on our country house:

we refinished the barn floor

painted the downstairs barn walls

ripped out some front dead landscaping

relocated a frog farm from the koi pond to the big pond

I'm very anxious to do some big projects like my kitchen and library. For now we have a big empty room that functions as a running track for the kids!


  1. So glad to see you are still around the bloggy world every now and then :) your family is so beautiful!

  2. Love seeing pictures of the kiddos! I can't believe how much they are all growing!


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