Monday, January 16, 2012

Joy my Word of the Year

Layla over at The Lettered Cottage is hosting a word of the year party.

I saw it and just knew my word:

Such a simple word, but so elusive at times.

Joy doesn't cost anything. It's with you at every moment. It only needs you to look for it.

The world is full of joy but it's the easiest thing to loose.

I'm working hard to see the joy in the little things I do each day....

Cleaning up after my family, there can be joy. The kids had a fun time making the mess remember their joyous face!

Enjoying the time in the morning they won't always be little.

When I make lunches leaving a little note for them.

Slowing down and enjoying the quiet time when the kids are at school and the others are napping.

When I tuck the kids in at night taking a moment to relish the time.

My youngest daughters middle name is Joy. When I picked that name I wanted to be reminded when I see her to think of the joys in life.

Children are filled with Joy and happiness. Life is full of joys. We must look for them each day and take them in.


  1. i'm here via layla's blog.

    prayers for a JOYfilled year.

    pax, lena

  2. It's funny how more often than not we are on the same page of life! I choose joy in the big and the little...that was my resolution too!

  3. So happy to see so many lovely bloggers and they stories behind their words this year. I also choose JOY as I want to welcome more of it my life. I'm taking Ali's class and just love it. Wishing you all the best. Fondly, Roberta


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