Friday, December 16, 2011

Funky Chair Redo

On my weekly trip into town I almost always stop in the local Goodwill and check out their chairs. I've been on a hunt for some chairs with personality,

My desk and sewing table need new chairs and I want to make them fun.

Right inside the door I found a pair of 1970's chairs with really cool curves and details. Sold $10! I pulled out my trusty Heirloom White and got busy painting. I didn't prime because I knew I wanted to distress and bring out the wood underneath. It took about 3 coats of paint.

I recovered the cushion and took out the basket weave material. It was in bad shape.
Funky soft animal print perfect for my desk!

I used nail heads for the first time. Looks easy... NOT! It was very hard to get them in straight and they were bending all over the place. Next time I'll try something else.

Here they are side by side.

I love the back and the great details. Little Caroline wanted to get in on the fun!

I'm not sure what to do with the 2nd chair. Any ideas? I was thinking egg blue with a burlap seat cushion. It will be my sewing chair.


  1. Oh my gosh, I about fell off my seat when I saw the chairs! We have those chairs and I wish I had two more. My parents bought the dining set (table and four chairs) in the 70's and I now have it. Ours is in beautiful shape, tho my mom did have the seats reupholstered at some point. I only wish I had two more chairs to match because there are six of us. Lucky find for you, maybe I'll stumble across some someday... Nice redo by the way! :-)

  2. Cool! The other chair...hmmm...what about using that crackle-medium stuff you get at the hardware store? This is really neat, though!

  3. Ummmmm....excuse me but I need those chairs please. I said please :).


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