Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Family Playdough Night

Every Sunday night we have family night. I've written about it before. We sit at the dining room table and eat off the nice china (even if we have burgers).

After dinner we play a game, watch a movie or do a family activity.

Last week we headed into the kitchen and had play dough night. It was a hit and a ton of fun! Look at some of our fancy creations.
This is going to enter in our rotation schedule.

Everyone enjoyed it! Caroline even tried to taste it.

You can also make your own play dough, check out this recipe.

I will be taking a bit of a blogging break with the summer a few days a way.

We've got vacations, and honestly I'll have 4 kids around the house that leaves very little computer time. When I get on the computer I check my email.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

House Update

Yes you read that right.... our house is not for sale.

Was it sold, no.

We just decided the timing was bad and everything pointed to no.

Let me tell you about it.

We put our house up for sale, weeks later our neighbor across the street went up, then our next door neighbor. We live on a small cul de sac. It looked like something was seriously wrong.

Our other neighbors even commented "Do you know something we don't"

Our oldest daughter made the high school drill team in our current town.

The 2 houses we had our heart set on went under contract.... not to us. There was nothing available that fit our acreage and house minimum. We would be homeless if we sold.

We got an offer while we were negotiating I realized we would have to live in an apartment with 4 kids for at least 6 months (most likely on the 3rd floor).

The kids would move mid school year to a new house and school.

Nothing about this scenario made me happy.... only stressed very stressed.

Are you getting the picture?

The buyers backed out and bought the house across the street. Whew....

It was a close call that made us realize the timing is off.

So our new plan... start looking again next spring and sell our house after we move.

I feel a strong sense of peace. In the meantime I'm enjoying our home, our neighbors and friends.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Menu Monday

Another busy week and many mouths to feed!

We've been eating out so much at least 4 times a week. So ready for a light schedule and home cooked meals. I've got a couple weeks until that happens. In the meantime I'll enjoy that our kids are active and enjoy your activities.

Monday: Make Your Own Sandwich (Baseball Tournament)

Tuesday: BBQ Brisket (Bought the seasoning)

Wednesday: Make Your Own Pizza for our Princess! (Madeline's 4th Birthday)

Thursday: Another busy night, leftover BBQ

Friday: Another busy evening.... eating out.

Saturday: Grill Burgers and relax outside

Sunday Family Night: Mexican Lasagna (Love this stuff, it's been a long time since I've made it)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Reflux Resolved!!!!

Thanks for the ideas a while back for Caroline's reflux. Let me tell you this experience for the last 9 months has been difficult. It's hard as a parent when your baby cries a lot and you can't fix it.

Well we made it through!! Fingers crossed it's over...

The Dr put her on prevacid. They suggested that 6 months ago but I resisted the meds.

It took about 1 week to start working.

We also switched her formula from Similac Sensitive to Similac Sensitive R.S. for spit ups.

The result 2 weeks later I have a new child. She's happy and she's eating very well.

In 1 week her personality has completely changed. She's laughing and babbling so much. She's a happy baby just like her siblings.

Before we didn't have much tummy time or sitting time because she would barf all over the place each time she was sat up. She's making up for lost time she will sit for an hour an play with toys on the floor just as content as can be.

I feel like I can get my life back under control. I can get back to projects, frugal shopping, and most of all sanity!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Menu Monday

Here is Caroline ready to eat in her high chair. This girl has a big appetite!
As the end of the school year comes to a close our schedule gets really busy. Lots of parties, recitals, games, and cookouts. We have a lot of fun getting ready for the summer. One of my favorite things about the summer is grilling outside. Nothing like the smell of the grill.

Monday: Grilled Chicken Fajitas

Tuesday: Make Your Own Sandwiches (Baseball and Dance Night, very very busy)

Wednesday: Wine Wednesday for Mom and Dad, Baked Ziti for Dinner
( I make dinner ahead and put in oven while we have our quiet time)

Thursday: Leftover Ziti and Salad

Friday: Boys out to Texas Rangers Game, Girls out to eat after Kate's choir performance

Saturday: Dinner at friends party

Sunday: Dance recital's for both girls all day long, hopefully we can fit some food in.

I've NEVER made BBQ brisket without a kit. Can someone share their recipe? Do you use crock pot, smoker or oven? I know, I'm from Texas this is embarrassing to ask.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What's Up

Nothing going on with the house, except all the one's we like keep going under contract. Hey, if you have a house you want to sell have us like it and it's sure to be gone within a week!

My silly girls have been doing a lot of playing together. My oldest daughter made her high school drill team!! YEAH!!!

We've made several walks down the street to the park. Will is becoming quite the football star. Watch out Tony Romo...

Spring time weather is prime for grilling. I love the smell of burgers on the grill.

Speaking of burgers and meat... a good friend of ours

(Jason, shout out) told us we had to watch Food Inc. All I can say is we are now spending top dollar for grass fed beef, free range chicken, and organic milk. So long Frugal Jen!

We had a wonderful Easter.

As you can see Ariel even made it to church with us. Madeline thinks she is growing fins (her toe nails). She insists we paint them purple like Ariel.