Monday, May 16, 2011

Menu Monday

Another busy week and many mouths to feed!

We've been eating out so much at least 4 times a week. So ready for a light schedule and home cooked meals. I've got a couple weeks until that happens. In the meantime I'll enjoy that our kids are active and enjoy your activities.

Monday: Make Your Own Sandwich (Baseball Tournament)

Tuesday: BBQ Brisket (Bought the seasoning)

Wednesday: Make Your Own Pizza for our Princess! (Madeline's 4th Birthday)

Thursday: Another busy night, leftover BBQ

Friday: Another busy evening.... eating out.

Saturday: Grill Burgers and relax outside

Sunday Family Night: Mexican Lasagna (Love this stuff, it's been a long time since I've made it)


  1. So glad you still do Menu Monday. It has inspired me to start planning out a menu myself. I got really bad about it and we were eating out all the time. I've been so much happier eating home cooked meals :)

    Any news on the house?

  2. I hope that you get to go to the country soon.

    It will be atleast a year until we can go. I told Mike that it has to be before our 3 year old enters kindergarten. That is my goal atleast.

  3. I miss home cooked meals! We are insanely busy and sooo tired of fast food!

    Enjoy your relaxing on Friday!

  4. Thank you for your ideas especially with spring's busy nights. What to do with Monday Soccer, Tuesday Softball Practice, Wednesday Mommy Soccer, Thursday Soccer Game and Softball Practice...! I would love to hear what other people do!

    Tonight we are doing sloppy joes!


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