Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What's Up

Nothing going on with the house, except all the one's we like keep going under contract. Hey, if you have a house you want to sell have us like it and it's sure to be gone within a week!

My silly girls have been doing a lot of playing together. My oldest daughter made her high school drill team!! YEAH!!!

We've made several walks down the street to the park. Will is becoming quite the football star. Watch out Tony Romo...

Spring time weather is prime for grilling. I love the smell of burgers on the grill.

Speaking of burgers and meat... a good friend of ours

(Jason, shout out) told us we had to watch Food Inc. All I can say is we are now spending top dollar for grass fed beef, free range chicken, and organic milk. So long Frugal Jen!

We had a wonderful Easter.

As you can see Ariel even made it to church with us. Madeline thinks she is growing fins (her toe nails). She insists we paint them purple like Ariel.


  1. Sorry no good news on the house. We don't have any good news here, it's really wearing on me. We're going to continue through the summer and then take ours off. It's been 6 months and 50 showing and no bites. I'm so over it!! Trying to be hopeful still but maybe it's not meant to be. Your family is beautiful! Congrats to Kate for making the dance team, that's awesome!!

  2. Congrats to Kate on making drill team! Will she go to the same high school regardless of where you move?

  3. So I MUST know where the little gies Easter dresses came from! So adorable! Miss you friend!


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