Monday, May 9, 2011

Menu Monday

Here is Caroline ready to eat in her high chair. This girl has a big appetite!
As the end of the school year comes to a close our schedule gets really busy. Lots of parties, recitals, games, and cookouts. We have a lot of fun getting ready for the summer. One of my favorite things about the summer is grilling outside. Nothing like the smell of the grill.

Monday: Grilled Chicken Fajitas

Tuesday: Make Your Own Sandwiches (Baseball and Dance Night, very very busy)

Wednesday: Wine Wednesday for Mom and Dad, Baked Ziti for Dinner
( I make dinner ahead and put in oven while we have our quiet time)

Thursday: Leftover Ziti and Salad

Friday: Boys out to Texas Rangers Game, Girls out to eat after Kate's choir performance

Saturday: Dinner at friends party

Sunday: Dance recital's for both girls all day long, hopefully we can fit some food in.

I've NEVER made BBQ brisket without a kit. Can someone share their recipe? Do you use crock pot, smoker or oven? I know, I'm from Texas this is embarrassing to ask.


  1. Didn't get to talk to you is Caroline feeling?

    I have a good brisket recipe. I'll email it to you. Its for the crockpot. Homemade Gourmet also just came out with a Brisket mix for the crockpot. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I've heard it good.


    You can buy this rub at Kroger. Just rub it all over the brisket and marinate for at least 12 hours. Then cook in the oven at least 12 hours. It is so tender, it doesn't get sliced , it just pulls apart with a fork.

  3. Ok, so now I'm STARVING -- it all sounds so good! And congrats to your daughter for making drill team ~ loved it when I was her age!


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