Monday, January 17, 2011

Menu Monday and Cute Clothes

I've recently discovered a great website for cute kids clothing.

This online shop is fabulous!!
It's hard to see these small photos, I couldn't copy and paste them any larger. Click to see. I got one for $19 and another one for $24.
I see these type's of outfits at boutiques for $60 + even the same brands.

I'm buying stuff almost every day! You could say I'm hooked.

This eliminates me venturing out the mall with 4 kids. Right now I'm loading up on the girls summer wardrobe.

Now on to food... Menu Monday!!!

Monday: Fish Tacos (left over fried fish from Sunday dinner) and homemade salsa

Tuesday: Ashlee's Cranberry Almond Chicken Salad.
I'm going to do a post on this when I make it.

Wednesday: Stir Fry with Panda Express Spicy Chicken Sauce and veggies

Grilled Burritos an all time favorite creation in our home.

Friday: Make Your Own Pizza

This week we've got some yummy meals. They are also healthy and eliminate our need to go out to eat. Honestly, when you go out to eat we eat a ton more calories.

I'm hoping to be back at the gym for a solid week of exercise. Last week I only made it out once.


  1. POhhh love cute cheap kids clothing1 It's pretty much the highlight of having a girl :)

  2. I LOVE ZULILY. I have bought a few things and they have all been wonderful. I think I might start doing menu monday too, I think if would help my lack of meal planning


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