Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Proud Mom

I've gotta take a minute to brag on my oldest daughter Katelyn. She's in 8th grade.

Today we got some very exciting news.....

She won 1st place in the Texas Right to Life Essay Contest!

Her essay advances to the national competition.

Let me share a little more on why this is so important....
(This photo was taken before the Respect Life Banquet this year)

Katelyn is very special. She's my angel, why? Well I found out at the young age of 19 that I was pregnant. I was unwed and just entering college.

I had many people tell me to have an abortion. I even had friends who chose to abort their unborn children. But I didn't. I went to the Crisis Pregnancy Center and those wonderful women helped and encouraged me. They changed my life so much that after I had Katelyn I volunteered for years as a counselor. With the love and support of my parents I finished college and met my husband Josh who later adopted Katelyn.

I've had the honor of speaking to many groups and churches and telling my story as a young mother. The biggest honor and most humbling moment of my life was speaking at the Texas State Republican Convention in 1998 holding my daughter and receiving a standing ovation for my pro-life story and work.

My daughter who is now a young women is the face of how an unplanned pregnancy can turn into a great blessing.

It brings me to tears reading her essay and how on fire she is to protect the unborn. She's changing tomorrow by giving other girls a friend who encourages and protects.

You can't deny this voice of the once unborn speak for life.


  1. This gives me chills and I am so proud of you and your daughter (even if I don't know you in real life). Seriously--what an amazing young woman, and well, you, too!

    I saw a bumper sticker today that read: "As a former fetus, I oppose abortion." Like!

  2. I don't have words for how beautiful this is. Amazing.

  3. That is AWESOME!!! Coming from another mother who had a daughter at a young age this just brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing this with us and thank you for bringing her into this world. She is absolutely an amazing edition to it!

  4. You know this brings tears to my eyes. I know it's even closer to your heart than what you went through. We both were unborn children who weren't wanted. But we were and are the lucky ones! We were given the chance at life! And what a blessing it is to know how you have raised your daughter! You make me proud friend! And of course who wouldn't be proud of an amazing young lady like Kate!

  5. WOW, what am amazing testimony to chosing LIFE. And a job well done to your beautiful daughter! :-)

  6. So awesome! Katelyn is such a beauty inside and out!

  7. What a beautiful young lady Katelyn is! She is such a shining example for her peers, just as you have been a shining example for her!

  8. Please extend our congrats to Katelyn! I know you are proud! Kudos to all women who choose life even those that know they won't be the ones raising their babies. We need serious change in this country to help and support mothers that choose to parent and those that plan to place their children for adoption. As an aunt to three adopted children, I can never say thank you enough to their birthmothers who not only chose life but gave my sister and brother in law the opportunity to be parents!

  9. Way to go Kate! SO proud of you!

  10. That is really awesome - what a beautiful girl and a beautiful testimony.

  11. Congratulations! What an honor, and a beautiful story!

  12. Oh, a big Congrats to her!!!! Tell her we are so proud of her! I never knew you spoke at the convention. Very cool. Yay, Katelyn!

  13. Wow, what a powerful post. Simply beautiful and amazing.

  14. I love this story! What an amazing testimony.

  15. I love your post! I was a young mom at the age of 16, it was hard, it was terrifying sometimes, but my daughter is my best friend and one of my "four" greatest treasures!

  16. Wow! I am in tears just reading your story! What an awesome legacy you have instilled in your daughter! God is good! All the time!! God is good!!


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