Friday, June 4, 2010

Best Coupon Code Site

How about a frugal post? My blogs titled Frugal Fabulous time for some tips!

Since I am on bed rest I'm doing my shopping online. This is new to me because I am a window shopping type of girl. I want to touch and feel the item before I buy it. However my husband buys almost everything online.

With Fathers Day around the corner I had to venture out online. He will be so proud of me.

OMG.... why haven't I done this earlier!

I found this great site for online coupon codes Retail Me Not . It's got all the coupon codes for my favorite stores. Gotta check it out!

Gotta go, I am heading back. I've got some shopping to do......


  1. I love Retail Me Not! If I had known you didn't know about it, I would have told you!

  2. I love retail me not! I always check them first!


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