Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 5 Bedrest

I've got to say I've got an amazing husband. Really, I do! He's cleaning the house up at the end of the day the way I do.... actually better. He's very detail oriented and I'm a big picture kinda cleaner (Don't look to close). We are able to start the day with a picked up downstairs area for me to rest. I've got to take some before and after pictures. Its gets quite messy with 3 kids around me.

I'm still having some contractions break through the meds. No more than 3 an hour so I don't have to head to the hospital. I go back on Monday. Hopefully I haven't dilated and all is well.

One more important thing, I have some great friends! The last couple nights we've had some fantastic meals brought over. My family is in heaven with some good home cookin. I've also got all week scheduled out with meals and play date for the kids. Thank you all so much for your kindness, generosity and thoughtfulness. I feel very blessed during this difficult time. XOXO My Friends!


  1. Jennifer - I'd love to bring you some supper if you need anything. Let me know - I have a pretty flexible schedule with school out. Praying for you girl.

  2. Bed rest? Oh man that sucks! I'm glad your DH is awesome though and is helping out. I was on bed rest for 2 weeks with my 1st and it was so boring! I can't imagine the people who have to be on it for months. I'd die.

    Good luck!! Hang in there.

  3. Your house was so neat when I was over the other day. I couldn't believe it was that neat while you were on bedrest. I don't think mine would be that neat if I was on bedrest!!


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