Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pregnancy Update

I'm now 28 weeks pregnant. Officially in my 3rd trimester. What did we do to celebrate?

A 4 am trip to the hospital with pre-term labor. After a day in the hospital and different meds to control the contractions I am officially at home and on strict bedrest.

As a mom of 3 kids out of summer break this is going to be interesting.

Please keep me and our little one in your prayers. I will be on the computer so I will update what's going on.

Any suggestions for other moms that have been on strict bed rest? (Strict bed rest meaning only getting up to use the bathroom and shower)


  1. I will be saying prayers for you!!!

  2. Oh Jen! I will be praying for you and your sanity and the health of the baby. Additional prayers that the kids can handle their very active mommy being down and out. I know Kate will be a huge help.

  3. Do you need me to come up and watch the kids for you? It could be fun. Then later on, I'll cook us dinner, we can gossip about blogs, and we can pick out baby names!!! YAY! IT'LL BE SO MUCH FUN!!!
    p.s. But you have to promise to keep that baby in there for at least 6 more weeks. :)

  4. Take care of yourself and that little one. Hugs and prayers coming your way!!!

  5. oh, bless your heart. you're in my prayers!!

  6. Oh girl, I am praying for you! I have been down the bed rest road twice from 5 months on....the last time my oldest was a huge help because she was pretty self sufficient! The biggest help though was my husband and microwavable lunches! Also, do NOT be afraid to ask friends for help! Your baby is worth the ask for sure..I had friends that would help with housework and laundry. Keep us updated and I will be praying for you and your sweet baby!

  7. Oh goodness. I can't imagine.

    Well I hope you have some family and friends who can come by and help.

    And keep yourself mentally stimulated.

    I will keep you in my prayers.

  8. Oh no! You guys (momma especially) are in my prayers.

    Do you have Netflix? You might wanna get it, if you have a wifi capable bluray player or a PS3, you can stream all sorts of things instantly! We watch Sawyer type shows on that a lot instead of buying a ton of DVDs.

  9. You know I'm praying for you girl! I'll email you my bedrest routine!

  10. Jen please don't hesitate to call me at any moment to take Madeline... our normal busy schedule has slowed down a lot for summer and I'm happy to just come over and be the parental unit for a few hours with the kids. Milla loves them and plays so well with them... and I can make chicken salad! Oh and if McMommy comes to town, call me!

  11. I have lots of friends who had twins.. including myself, but I was never on bedrest, they were though and told me Netflix and magazines....

  12. Being a mother of twins who was on bedrest in the hospital for 5 weeks was so incrdibly tough. My mom had to keep my 3 year old while I was in there. My heart goes out to you. My twins were born at 31 weeks and turned out just grest. My thing was to read books but I know if I had been home I would have been on the computer. Good luck to you and your little one!

  13. Ugh, I'm so sorry. I totally agree with one of the posts about not hesitating to ask for help. Sometimes I think it is harder though to actually be at home on bed rest. I was in the hospital for 2 months and then at home for a couple and it was very hard not to get up and do stuff while at home. I took up crocheting and made my first blanket while in the hospital. My first attempt is now Ashlyn's blankie that uses every night. I really couldn't read; that turb pump made me way too shaky and if I tried to read I would get all dizzy.

    Please let me know if there is anything I can do. I will be thinking of you.

  14. Yikes! I will be praying for you.

  15. Hang in there! Prayers said for you and the baby!!

  16. Keep that bun in the oven! We will keep you entertained over here in blogland :)

  17. Jen-I'll be praying for you! I've been on bedrest twice and the first time around I rented series of TV shows I had never seen-that's how I got hooked on Sex & The City (PG version)! Hope that helps! My second bedrest I started doing Stella & Dot-selling jewlery online-so I was always on the computer in bed:)


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