Monday, March 8, 2010

Menu Monday and Some Other Stuff

Wow, our schedule has been very busy! I've been really slacking on my blog postings as well as my blog reading. In my spare time I've been reading the Twilight series as I posted a while back. I am on the last book, oh my how I can't put these books down. All the twists and turns and drama, love it!!!

Now to food... my morning sickness is completely gone and I am feeling almost back to normal. With the exception of my growing belly and frequent trips to the potty. My appetite for mexican food is finally back.

Monday: Leftover brisket on baked potato's

Tuesday: Not sure... we have open house and Will's first school performance. We will probably visit Wendy's or Steak and Shake for dinner, in that event I will eat a salad.

Wednesday: Orange Chicken. This is a new favorite of ours. I used the Wanchi Ferry Orange Chicken mix then add in a bag of cooked steamed veggie mix. It goes perfect and also stretches a dinner for 2 to feed 4.

Thursday: Taco's! We haven't had these in ages. I bought the Old El Paso Hard Taco kit. Looking forward to some mexican food here at home.

Friday: Lenten Fish Day. I am planning to get some fresh catfish at sprouts to have my hubby fry up. We are out of our fish stockpile in the freezer. Time to go fishing!

One more thing.... we've been long time parishioners of a church that we adore. We were married here, the kids were baptized here and we feel comfortable. The only problem is it's about 35 minutes away from our house. We moved almost 3 years ago and we never changed churches. With Kate at the youth age it's impossible for us to have her involved in their activities.

We started visiting a new church last week. I already attend the moms group there during the week. This is hard really hard. I've been in almost tears before church, the kids are antsy and we are all uncomfortable at this new church. We gave it a 2 week try but it doesn't feel right. We have a lot of change going on right now and are praying for God's guidance and his will in our life.

Anyone have advice for visiting new churches? Did you feel uncomfortable at first or completely at ease? This is new territory for us.


  1. I am not good at visiting new churches. It makes me very nervous and so I'll check back to see what advice you get :) I just started Twilight and I love them!!!

  2. We tried put a whole bunch and instantly knew the right one for us. I go to the MOPS group at the church closest to us and knew we'd love it and neither of us were fans and Bel hated it. So when you know you know. There is Good Shepard in colleyville that I ahve heard good things from. You might try them out?

  3. I am glad you enjoyed the Twilight series. I completely understand about finding a new church. We tried 3 before we found one both my daughter and I felt comfortable and a part of. God bless!

  4. it is hard!! while in germany, we went b/c we needed to go, but now in Scottsdale, our church is amazing!! our music is awesome, even songs from the radio! so you will know when it feels right it just feels right! done know if you are trying SEAS?? but that one is so big, it was hard for us to feel connected! try the one in Colleyville??

  5. We are church shopping too my friend. I don't think it's ever an easy process. I will pray that yall find a more convenient home. The one we went to on Sunday, we knew within 5 minutes was not the right place. Hang in there! So glad to hear the morning sickness is gone and I have a new series of Vampire books ready to pass on to you when you are ready... they are great!


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