Monday, March 1, 2010

Music to my ears and food!

What a wonderful sound to hear the galloping sound of the baby's heartbeat. I forgot how wonderful that sound was until my appointment this morning. The baby is doing great measuring right! The heart rate was 158, nice and strong. What a sigh of relief!

I can't believe how fast the last 14 weeks have flown by. I am able to feel the hard little ball when I lay on my back. I also can't suck in my tummy anymore. That means I am officially in all maternity clothes... letting that belly hang out :)

This is really happening I am going to have 4 kids! What an overwhelming feeling to be responsbile for 4 other little lives. I am not perfect by any means so this brings some anxiety of how I will balance having this many children. Glad the kids are spaced out I can't imagine having 4 kids under 6 like some other mothers I know.

Now on to the menu this week:

Monday: Baked Potato's and Salad

Tuesday: Meals on the Go

Wednesday: Frozen Pizza (I purchase cheese pizza and bag of peperoni's and do my own pepperoni pizza)

Thursday: Grilled Burritos

Friday: Fish Fry Friday!


  1. Thrilled about that little peanut! I'm guessing a boy. Hope you are feeling better and more energized!! Talk to you soon.

  2. Congrats! It is a beautiful sound. And 4 kids is fantastic :)

  3. I've got three... aged three and younger! So much fun!

  4. Best sound in the world! I look forward to hearing my little one's once a month (moving to twice a month starting this week..). 2 months to go for me! Congrats and good luck with your pregnancy!


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