Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Time to Clean

First some prego pictures, notice my face. This is me and Kate at the Brahma's game at the beginning of February. This is me and Kate Sunday at Rainforest Cafe after her ballet performance.... a month later. This is why I don't like being in photos.
Yes, it appears I swallowed a melon and my face has puffed up.
I also cut my hair. I am thinking I will grow it back out a bit. The shorter hair makes my face look even rounder. Why does my face puff up when I'm pregnant? Makes me crazy!!!
I am now 4 1/2 months and I have just started to feel the baby move around.

OK on to some free cleaning. This was my pantry, a big mess.

This is my pantry after 30 minutes of decluttering and getting rid of expired and empty boxes. Much better. The best part is this little transformation was free. I've got the itch to clean and declutter. Spring is in the air!!


  1. Why are we so hard on ourselves...I swear, we are our worst critics! ;) YOU LOOK GREAT, Jen! I love hearing updates about your little miracle...that was my favorite part when I started feeling them move...THE BEST! I hope you are feeling great! Love you!

  2. Jen, I think you look fine! lol Don't be so critical of yourself, you are beautiful.

    I know what you mean tho, I felt like my face was huge too when I was preggo. Only for a season my dear!

  3. Something about sunshine makes me want to clean too (maybe it's because I can see all the dust and grime!!)

    You are beautiful!


  4. You look fantastic! And my personal opinion is I'd rather have weight in my face to smooth out the wrinkles then in my booty:) You're a gorgeous mama with beautiful kiddos! Can't wait to meet the newest one!
    And if you really find the need to clean Ive got a pantry to work out all your energy...we call it the dungeon because what goes in may never be found again!

  5. Girl...your looking great! And I think your hair is super cute!

  6. You are beautiful!! My face always puffed up too . . . one of my good friends said to me one day "Oh, I can totally see your pregnant in your face!" . . . I think she meant well, but I went home in tears! :-) It is only for short time and well worth the end result. :-)

  7. Me too! Something about the sun shining gives me a pep in my step and I want to clean everything. Right now, I am painting and I have two more rooms.

    You look cute! Don't worry about your face. Mine got huge while I was pregnant. Then again, my whole body did. 65 lbs. UGH!

  8. You look adorable! Don't worry about any extra weight gain. Just remind yourself it's all for the sake of a healthy baby :) I have Spring fever too. I just dropped off a few more bags at Goodwill.

  9. I love that you made this post before we even had our meeting this morning — how perfect! (You look adorable, by the way)


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