Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Magic... Diaper Rash Disappear

Little Miss has been battling diaper rash for a couple weeks. I used all the different lotions and yes even the butt paste. Nothing was working.
Then I remembered some stuff I bought from a friend selling Arbonne a couple years ago. I put the baby oil on her little bottom and seriously the rash was gone over night.This is not a paid endorsement just mom to mom saying this stuff really works!
We are officially on Day 2 of potty training. I am praying today goes better. We had 6 accidents yesterday. She's just not making it to the potty on time.


  1. I feel your pain, although mine is of the canine type, and there are four of them. So far today I have cleaned pee pee off the couch, a couch pillow and Dawsons bed.

    For diaper rash, you can also use Preparation H with some corn starch sprinkled on ... seriously works like a charm. I still keep the Prep H around because you know with little girls, who don't always wips really well, they get "hurting privates." The Prep H takes the burning away and it's better by morning.

  2. My sweet little missy loves her potty and her panties--she just doesn't want to USE her potty or WEAR her panties. I'm trying to be patient, but AGGGGHH!
    Also--I love Arbonne! I use all of their facial products and signed up to be a consultant to get the discount. I don't sell it--it's just not in me to do that--but good for those that do! I just love their products!

  3. We're potty training two right now and I'm up to my knees in TT and PooPoo, okay, not really, but I'm ready for it to be over with! Funny thing, the two year old is doing better than the 3.5 year old. Maybe we were a bit late?

    That oil is great for everything! My littles have really dry skin and this oil is the only cure!

  4. I bought some of the Arbonne stuff on a whim too, and it's hands down the best diaper rash cream I have used.

  5. I will tell you what I used the one time that my now 15 yr. old son had diaper rash. Lotromin. It is a footcream and it works. Just my two cents.

  6. I love all of the Arbonne baby products! They have an actual diaper cream that is AWESOME!


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