Monday, February 1, 2010

Menu Monday

Sorry for my lack of posting. We've been busy. I've got my 2 year old working on potty training again... at her request. She refuses to wear pull-ups so we are staying close to home. We seem to have lots of accidents.

Let me share what's for dinner.

Monday: Grilled Chicken Sandwiches and French Friends
Tuesday: Meals on the Go, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, chips and fruit
Wednesday: Spaghetti and Meatballs
Thursday: Frozen Pizza and Salad
Friday: Burgers and Tator Tots

As for my morning sickness, it's still going strong. Last week I did a lot of resting. My house got out of control but today I've been busy getting things back together. I am officially in maternity clothes. That means I need to take a belly shot soon. I am 11 weeks almost to the 2nd trimester! Thank you for your continued prayers and thoughts for my pregnancy.


  1. I hope your morning sickness eases up soon!! Good luck on the potty training!

  2. Oh honey! Potty training AND morning sickness at the same time?!My prayers are with you. Hurry up and post a pic - I can't wait to see how cute you are.

  3. The potty training is a nightmare even when it their idea:) We did the same thing last week and aside from a little poop painting at nap-time today(yuck) we've have no accidents since Sunday. So it only took about a week for it to click:) Hope you start feeling better soon!

  4. Just take care of yourself and the house will still be there when you get to feeling better. Take care.


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