Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Project Inspirations

I'm waiting on this weather to warm up so I can get back to my spray painting. Serious with drawls going on... I haven't spray painted in 3 months. (Spray paint and pregnancy not a great combo).

I plan to wear a fashionable mask out in the back yard of fresh air for my projects. So what do I have in mind?

Little Miss is moving to a new room. The playroom/ guest bedroom/ junk room will be no more. I am thinking a soft pink and white in shabby chic style. The traditional little girls room. Lots of dress ups, tea parties and fun.

Project Room #2 the new nursery. I have no idea what to do!

I will be hitting the garage sales like crazy in a month or so! If you live in the DFW area my favorite garage sales are in Southlake. Really good stuff for super cheap!


  1. Or you could do the whole tiffany blue/white shabby chic thing? With a super cute silverish chandelier on the wall...I know a lady who could paint it for you:) On Jrs room...i haven't a clue on neutral:) I'm sure you'll come up with something fabulous!

  2. I love all the new greens and browns. That would go great for a boy or girl!

  3. I can't wait to see what you do! I would love some ideas! I am growing more in love with spray painting, I am ready for warmer weather too!

  4. I think you should put cars in the nursery for William's baby brother! :) Just kidding, I always did neutral nursery even when I knew what I was having. I just didn't trust those sonograms!

  5. I love doing baby/kids room its so much fun, if I ever had a girl I am sure I would go nuts and everything would be pink pink pink!
    I always say if we could have another boy I would do it space/rocket theme pottery barn has some cute space ideas to copy. my first son was log cabin and second was barn theme.
    Good luck post some pics!


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