Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weekly Menu and New Addition

Before you read about my menu I have something to share.
We said good-bye to a long time companion to our family.
Our old 1990's particle board entertainment center. Here is a reminder of how she looked. We also said good-bye to our tube TV. We moved up to a flat screen TV! A 55 inch one!
Finally all of my wood in the living room matches! All cherry wood. It only took 10 years :)
Of course we saved some money, we NEVER pay full price. My husband negotiated a floor model and an extra warranty. Got it for 50% off!

Sorry I am late with my menu Monday post. I took a 3 day vacation from the computer. It was much needed. I am making a priority to limit my time on the computer.

Monday: We had Grilled Chicken Sandwiches and Chips
Tuesday: Meals on the go - Grilled pannini and grilled cheese sandwiches with pasta salad
Wednesday: Baked Ziti, Green Beans and Garlic Bread
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Little Cesar's $5 Pizza and Salad


  1. Sweet! Love the t.v.!

    I, too, am limited my computer time. I moved my computer out of my kitchen where it's tempting to check it "real quick". Now I have to come to the office, which takes more time, so I don't do it nearly as often.

    Hope you're feeling well!

  2. Every time you post about baked ziti, I want the recipe! Yum!

    Love the new tv. We upgraded this year, as well. Can't believe the difference it really does make!

  3. We are currently searching all the different tvs right now! We will be making the upgrade when we move in March! I love the color of the walls in your room too!

  4. Nice Tv. We bought 2 new tvs when we moved into our new home in Florida. Now that we moved we have a basement and my husband wants a 55 incher for the mancave. I guess we will get that before football season next year. What model did you get? We like Samsung.

  5. Im new to your blog!I love it and will be back to visit again :)
    I love your tips and recipes! Have a great week !!

  6. haha! That's my picture on your mantle---so cool!


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