Thursday, January 21, 2010

Not So Regular Blogger

The all day sickness has taken full effect!

I used to research and write my blog so great but now it takes all of my energy to just get through the day.

Please be patient with me I will be back!

Hopefully I only have another few weeks of this sickness and my energy will also come back.

Anyone have tips or tricks for morning sickness? I'm not throwing up just sick all day. Sometimes I wish I could throw up and be done with it instead of this lingering feeling.

The positive part is the baby must be doing great because my hormones are rockin!
One more question, anyone know who carries some great maternity jeans? I gave all mine away and need some new ones. Another week in my current jeans is all I can squeeze out.


  1. I really love motherhood's secret fit belly pants. They have slacks, jeans, capri's....but that belly part, I seriously feel like I'm wearing pj's! No cutting into your belly, no funky lines showing through under a t-shirt.... They start at $25 (and go up, of course) but a pair or two are so worth it!

  2. my best advice is get a pair of good maternity jeans! like
    7even's or something like that! they are alot, but will last the whole time!!

  3. I was like that from 3pm till 9pm every night until I was 16 weeks! I wanted to die!

    Dr. Dean gave me the best tricks! One is a lemon...slice a fresh lemon and sniff it or take a quick taste of it. It worked every time! Another one that worked like a champ was alcohol swabs, rip one open and smell it...I would just wave it in front of my nose. Take your prenatal at night with half a unisom {and yes Dr. Dean approved it}!

    The other thing I did was drink lemonade, or lemon water or lemon Gatorade...this helped me immensely!

  4. I loved my maternity jeans from Old Navy and they have great sales on maternity clothes. And I didn't find out about it until almost the end of my pregnancy, but Ross has maternity clothes and I got some of my favorite things there!

    I ate small snacks all day to make sure I never had an empty tummy. I also read that if water bothers you, drink gatorade instead.

    Hope you are feeling better soon and Congrats!

  5. Girl, I completely understand the sickness, I had it really bad with Mollie. Praying for you to feel better!

  6. For me, all I had to do was take a Vitamin B6 supplement (I'm pretty sure it was B6, not B12). Once I had done that for a day or so my all day nausea was gone.

    Hope you get to feeling better!

  7. Hope you feel better soon. Can't help with anything maternity....I am 15 yrs. out from that:) We didn't have anything cute back then. LOL!

  8. Have you tried sea bands? they go on your wrists and hit a pressure point that makes you not feel nauseous. They help me every time!

  9. Talk to your doc, but the B6 and a half of Unisom in the morning was all it took. And I wasn't drowsy. Also, my mom found me these Pregnancy Pops at the pharmacy. They are like suckers with ginger in them, and sucking on them helped me out a lot, too. Hoping the nausea passes quickly!

  10. My favorite pair of maternity jeans came from Motherhood Maternity.

    Also I second the comment about lemons, I lived off of lemonade my first trimester.


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