Saturday, January 16, 2010

Discount Dress Ups

My Little Miss is completely in love with dress up. Anytime we are at home she is wearing some type of dress up.
We are doing some closet cleaning and found a dress Katelyn now 12 wore as a flower girl. Madeline is in dress up heaven.... We've also got a Texas cheerleader uniform.

Madeline modeling her friend Bella's most amazing princess dress.

We are even having dress up play dates. Thanks for hosting Jenny! I borrowed Ashlee's photos from her blog:)
Which brings me to my frugal tip. Spring cleaning is around the corner. Think about all the outgrown dance costumes, flower girl dresses, Easter dresses.
Garage sale season will start soon and be on the lookout for great dress ups. If you have older girls and are getting rid of these things think about any friends with smaller girls you could pass them down to.


  1. We found the most beautiful flower girl outfit at Salvation Army 2 years ago. My daughter wore it for dress up and at her Princess birthday party. Did I mention I paid $4!

  2. Girls are so much fun and even when she gets older, she will still love playing dress up!! :) She is a cutie pie!

  3. I have a 15 yr. old son so I never did have to do the dress up. She is so cute though.

  4. She's so cute! Claire still loves dressing up. I like to hit the halloween clearance sales. This year I got her a snow white dress and a tinkerbell costume for about 1/4 of their regular cost!


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