Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Painting Project

I did a painting project for my photographer friend Brandi right before Christmas. This is for one of her daughters. I've already painted the other 2 girls rooms.

I've seen this idea around and was excited to give it a try. I love the way it turned out.

Here is closer look. You can bling it up by gluing crystals to flat push pins.

I think I'm going to paint one for Madeline's big girl room in a couple months. I am picturing one above her bed between a curtain rod and drapery's pulled back.
I am linking up with Do It Yourself Day http://asoftplace.net/


  1. I absolutely LOVE IT!!! You did a wonderful job. Your lines are so clean, such a pro:)

  2. OMG that looks amazing!!!!! Love everything about it! :)

  3. I really love that! you are good!

  4. Oh, I love it and the crystal idea is very creative...I'll have to remember that!

  5. Seriously?!?! That is crazy good! I need to save some more money for Kate's room! Great job.

  6. TRUST me when I say the real life version is so much better! The pictures just don't do it justice! LOVE IT!! You are awesome as always!

  7. I love these. I have been seeing them around for a while and I think that it would look good in my craft room.

  8. AND I TOTALLY LOVE IT!!!! You are AWESOME girl---can't wait til the BIG projects we have talked about!!


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