Monday, January 11, 2010

Menu Monday

I did a lot of searching for some mild foods. Nothing is sounding good. Problem is I have to prepare dinner for the rest of the family. OK enough about my pregnancy stomach.

Here is our menu:

Monday: Leftover Baked Ziti and Salad
Tuesday: Meals on the go dance night - sandwiches and chips. Grilled Veggie Paninni for me.
Wednesday: Chicken Tettrazini (I love this stuff)
Thursday: Leftover Chicken Tett
Friday: Make Your Own Pizza. A big yummy veggie one for me.


  1. I will be over for dinner on Wednesday! :) That's a yummy menu for the week!

  2. I love chicken tetrazzini!
    Actually your entire menu looks delicious!

  3. You and your pregnancy belly! I'm 27 wks w/ #4 and lately I usually make my family dinner and then either eat cereal with them or nothing and then cereal later. Frosted mini-wheats cereal has been good to me this time around...a little bit of sweet but still pretty bland. Hang in there!


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