Monday, December 21, 2009

New Hair Cut and Food

I got a hair cut! I love this cut. Think I am going to stick with this one for a while.
Things around our house have been so busy. Baking cookies (from scratch for the first time), ballet practice, The Nutcracker performance, Christmas parties and my daily duties as a mom. It's left a little time for blogging.

Menu Monday for Christmas week:

Monday: BBQ (takeout),
Corn, Baked Potato's. We are having some family come and visit from Utah so what better than BBQ in Texas!

Tuesday: Hoping for some leftover BBQ.

Wednesday: Taco's and tossed salad
. I like to make a taco salad minus the meat I use black beans. I am not much of a ground beef girl, except for super thin burgers.

Thursday: Christmas Eve
... my husband volunteered me to bring Turkey, Stuffing and Gravy to one of his sides of the family. Ummm yeah, so instead of stressing out I've hired the local BBQ place to cook, cut and package it all up ready to go. Sometimes it's better to take a short cut. I'm too tired to cook, I'll explain that soon...

Friday: Christmas Day.
My favorite meal of the year!!! We make a big breakfast at home with the kids. Then we head to my parents for a feast and the over spoiling of my children. (Thank you Mom). My favorite dish is Hash brown Casserole.

What is your favorite Christmas meal dish?


  1. Loove the haircut! Merry Christmas :)

  2. Love it! You are so stinkin' cute!

  3. Super cute hair cut! I just had mine cut (a little longer version of what you have) on Friday and it is SO much easier to take care of. Merry Christmas!

  4. I love your hair, it looks fantastic! I used to have it cut like that for several years. It's so cute and sassy! :)

  5. The haircut is cute, cute, cute! My favorite holiday meal is tamales. We eat them every Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas and God bless!

  6. Love the new 'do! We are always so on the run I forget to eat...I do however LOVE leftovers at my parents:)and the laidback nature of the day after Christmas! In fact I think that is my favorite thing about Christmas!

  7. 1) LOVE the new cut!!! looks great on you! :)

    2) "too tired"?!? ahem, "you'll tell us about that soon"?!? i think i know where this is going!!! ;)

  8. Your hair is soooo cute!!!

    And I agree with Rebecca... too tired? ;) I hope this is good news!!!

    Hope you are well and have a happy holiday!

  9. Love your hair! Isn't it great to have something different?

  10. Great haircut! And, hopefully the tired is DUE to something exciting!

  11. Love the hair! I am tempted to cute mine too!

  12. I love your new hair cut!!! Beautiful Friend:)

  13. I am behind in my blog reading because my parents flew up from Florida to visit us. I am now just getting the time to catch up. I LOVE your new haircut! How cute! I think it looks great.

  14. I'm another haircut fan - it's super chic and I hope you've found it easy to look after.


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