Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Big Christmas Suprise

Yes it's true....
But it's still a secret for the little one's until Christmas morning. My baby Madeline is going to be a big sister!
Some of you figured out I was pregnant from my clue about being tired.

We found out last week I am expecting. We are very excited!

I am 5 weeks along so it's very early.

I thought about waiting to tell considering my history of miscarriage but then I thought the extra thoughts and prayers would be comforting.

We are telling Will and Madeline Christmas morning (Kate already did some Nancy Drew snooping around and knows). You see Will talks non-stop about having a baby brother and asking Santa for one. We can't guarantee a boy but we can do the baby :)


  1. Congratlations! What an awesome Christmas gift! Sending healthy pregnancy prayers your way!

  2. Congrats to you! I am praying for you and a VERY healthy pregnancy boy or girl!!

  3. Congratulations - the best Christmas gift of all!!!!! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy and baby!

  4. Congratulations my friend! I'm so excited for you!! Madeline is adorable in that picture!

  5. Congratulations!!! What an exciting Christmas gift :) I'll be praying for a healthy, full term baby! :)

  6. How exciting!!!!What a wonderful Christmas surprise. I’m wayyyy behind on my blog reading and just jumped on for a sec. I’m glad I did otherwise I would have missed this.
    Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. Let us know how the little ones react….I’m sure it’s going to be so fun to tell them.

  7. I already told you how excited I was but still YAY for new babies!! I AM SO SO EXCITED for you guys and Master P can't wait to have a buddy to play with!

  8. This is so exciting Jen! Congrats to you guys :)

  9. I can't wait to hear about the kiddos reaction:) So excited for you the both of you. What a wonderful Christmas present for the family!

    I love seeing the hat on Miss Madeline:) I forgot it was the fuzzy material, so much fun!

  10. I am so happy for you girl! I know how much you wanted another one! Praying for your journey with this new little one...

    Hugs to your whole family!

  11. congratulations to the entire Rudd Family! I will pray that all goes well. Merry Christmas!

  12. Congratulations! That is a Christmas blessing, wishing you a healthy pregnancy. Merry Christmas!

  13. Congratulations! I will definitly send prayers your way :) Merry Christmas!

  14. Yeah!! Congrats-what a Blessing for Christmas! I'll pray for you and baby! Enjoy this special time!

  15. AWESOME news Jen!!! I'm so happy for you all... you'll be added to my prayer list!

  16. Congratulations! What a great Christmas gift. I know the little ones will be excited to hear the news. Prayers going your way for a smooth pregnancy!

    Have a Merry Christmas.

  17. Congratulations!!!! What awesome news!

  18. Congratulations Jen! Hope your kiddos were as excited as you to hear the news yesterday!

  19. Congrats Jen!!! That is awesome news!! So so excited for you guys!! WOo-hoo!!!

  20. Oh CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! I get to be an McAunt!!! I am so excited for you and your family! Sending lots of prayers and good wishes for smooth pregnancy xoxo

  21. OMG Jen!!! Congrats sweetie!! Hope you had a wonderful christmas!

  22. so happy for you jennifer!! what a huge blessing! prayers for a healthy, full-term pregnancy and delivery!


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