Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Wine Shelf Above the Fridge??

I've got this awkward space above my fridge that was built to hold wine. Only problem when you put wine up there it causes it to go bad because of the heat off the fridge. Looks nice but not really practical for wine drinkers. I had Josh take down the racks. I tried myself but wow, those suckers were in their good and tight.

I moved some baskets from Madeline's room to try out my new open spot.

What do you think?
Calling you fabulous decorators.... should I paint the baskets black or put something else up all together?
What about having some beadboard cut to fit the back? Then I could paint and distress the beadboard black.


  1. Do you have a bold accent color in your kitchen, like red? Put up the beadboard, distress it black and paint the baskets red!

  2. I love it - it's a shame the bottles didnt' work out up there it's a great little cove! I like the baskets a lot. Maybe just putting some brightly colored fabric as a liner would be awesome (like stated by Nicole).

  3. we put our wine over our fridge..sad it never goes bad because we drink it first:) Otherwise I am with Nicole on the accent color/beadboard basket idea...

  4. I vote to paint the baskets black, but I am sure whatever you do will look great!

  5. I'm with Dina. Paint them black, maybe replace the liners with a more vibrant color and get some cut little labels to tie on the front. Like these http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=35399767 or these http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=34705420. I can't wait to see what you decide.

  6. I like the baskets the color they are, but I'd give them a bolder lining like others have suggested. Of course, I know anything you do will look fabulous!


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