Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Fun

First of all, THANK YOU so much for your pregnancy prayers and wishes. It mean's so very much!

Your probably wondering how the kids took the "new baby news". Let me share how it went....

We were at my husband's family's house (about 20 people). Josh tells his Grandma in front of Will we are having another baby.

Will says "Well it better be a boy, because I've been praying for one for 3 years. He is now separating his toys for his baby brother.

God I hope it's a boy because I don't think he will believe in prayers anymore!

Little Miss however has NO idea what is going to happen. We said Mommy's having a baby and she makes the "Whaaaa.... Whhhaaaaa sound" pretending she's a baby.

On Christmas Eve we made cupcakes to celebrate Jesus' birthday. Then we got this unexpected incredible surprise....
SNOW!! REAL SNOW! About 6 inches of it.

We braved the snow and cold to celebrate mass on Christmas Eve. The kids were all dressed in their festive attire.

I realized in this picture Kate (12) my oldest looks so grown up! She's such a beautiful girl. Can you see her new bangs? She got a hair cut too.
Christmas morning after presents we enjoyed a couple hours playing in the snow.

My husband as always does a great job for Christmas. He blew me away when he purchased a Nikon Coolpix camera for me. I am still learning but hoping to do some great blog photos with my new clear camera!


  1. Sound like you had a great Christmas. You daughter does look grown:) They grow up so fast. I blinked and my son turned 15:( We are getting snow right now. That was a surprise for yall, wasn't it?

  2. I think you had more snow than we did. It was so nice to have a white christmas though!

    Thanks again for the cupcakes...they were really yummy!


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