Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Practice what you preach....

We've had some major changes in our life. My husband has started his own business. So with that said we are on a tight budget while we get things up and running.

I've been practicing grocery shopping for the last month. Comparing Wal-mart and Kroger. Kroger was the big winner. I spent $60 less on average at Kroger than Wal-mart. I also stuck to my list better.

So the rehearsing is over ... my meals are becoming less expensive, eating out is limited, new clothing for me is well... OUT for a while.

My favorite neighborhood garage sale is this weekend... shout out Misti! I will be armed and dangerous with my whopping $20. I plan to get some new winter clothes for little miss. I am on the hunt for a nice stylish jean jacket for me. Figure this fall and winter I will be the queen of layering.

The home improvement projects are on hold but it's all worth it. I am so proud of my husband! I would eat canned beans if I had to. Hey maybe I will loose some weight!

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  1. I love garage sales. Mind if I ask which neighborhood?

  2. I hope all goes smoothly with the business!

    By the way, I saw LOTS of jean jackets at thrift stores this week. I even bought one. It's so cute...from Talbots...and is fitted so it cuts in and doesn't look like a bit denim bag..and it has cute buttons on the wrist instead of one big silver one. The price? $3.50. Go check the thrift stores!!!

  3. wishing you the best of luck. At least you are already "frugal Jen" so we know if anyone can do it and make it work, you can!

  4. You can totally do this! :) How exciting for your hubby (and you)!

    Would love to see what you come up with at the garage sale!

  5. Good luck my friend! Whenever Roger says we need to cut back I always ask if it's time for ramen and beenie weenies... hang in there... it's worth it!

  6. Congrats to you GUYS!! :o) I know everything will work out for you...God has a funny way of figuring things out for us! :o) XOXO


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