Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Office Supplies vs. Clothing Sale

Yesterday I was finally sitting down to catch up on my blogs..... then I got a phone call from the office. They were out of toner so I tried to order toner online... that was a headache. The system kept giving me errors.

So I hit Office Depot, wow I didn't realize how expensive all the office supplies were. So $200 later I was out the door delivering supplies.

Seriously it depressed me spending that much on supplies for the office.

Especially after I got an email and saw my favorite store White House/ Black Market is having a huge sale!

I hate missing a great sale. Especially when I passed these amazing white jeans up this summer (they were $88) Now they are on sale for $29!!

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  1. what a great blog you have!!!!
    I followed over here from the Archangel's Blog :)

  2. Hey girly! Can you do me a favor and post about my blog giveaway on yours?? thanks hoN!! XOOXO


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