Monday, October 5, 2009

Menu Monday

My little guy is a big eater! Check out his pizza scraps. Seriously he can eat for 2!
Monday: Meals on the Go! We've got a tennis game then ballet.... busy times running around in the mini van.

Tuesday: Grilled Pannni's and Pasta Salad

Wednesday: Finally we might eat the Sadlers Brisket I bought weeks ago.... or you might see it on the menu next week.

Thursday: Hopefully I make the brisket so we have leftovers

Friday: Pizza night, loving $5 Little Cesar's Take Out!

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  1. I wanted to tell you, we made your mexican lasagna, and it was a hit. The entire fam loved it. Thanks for the recipe!

  2. Your weeks and dinners are sounding a lot like mine these days!


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