Friday, October 9, 2009

Is it Friday already?

A fun giveaway for a dreary Friday here in Texas.... My friend Noelle is hosting a giveaway for a free Jessie James CD. Noelle knows this very talented young lady. This girl is a rising star, wow can she sing! We saw her sing at the Jonas Brothers concert this summer. You've probably heard her big hit "Wanted". Go visit Noelle at GlamRBaby to enter a chance to win.
This week has absolutely flown by! Let me share some of my happenings...

The kids are out of school today and Monday. Kate is going to the state fair on Monday with my cousin. Love the FREE tickets from the school district. Saves me $15.

I painted this table and chair set for Miss Hayden's 2nd Birthday. I can't wait to see photos of her playing at her new table. My garage sale outing was a success considering only a few homes were participating because of the rain and cold weather. We took turns getting out of the car so the kids would stay warm. Mission accomplished I found 3 footy sleeper (love these) and a velour jogging suit for Madeline. All for $5!

Tomorrow I hit the grocery store. I've really planned it out I've got my coupons and list ready to go. Hope to save a ton! I will share....

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