Thursday, October 15, 2009

Going Spray Paint Crazy

Maybe I'm a little high off the fumes but I love to spray paint!

It's been a while since I did a spray paint post. To be honest I've been so swamped I haven't done any home projects.

I can't wait to show my latest project. I did my own version of trash to treasure with an item a friend was selling at a garage sale. I am giving it back to her transformed into something useful.


  1. Can't wait to see your reveal. No projects my way since I am moving in 3 weeks about 800 miles away. Consumed with that right now. Can't wait to get settled and jump in to some projects.

  2. Hi, I am sneaking in to blogs from the blog roll of friends, I like your blog. I thought I would show you a recent spray paint experience at our house! Come on over and check this one out!
    P.S. I am going to tap the follow button!

  3. I can't wait to see your spray paint project!! I love it too and it's very addicting, I want to spray paint everything!


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