Saturday, October 17, 2009

Garage Sale Finds

I am so excited about my new blog look! Thank you to my sweet IRL friend Alicia!!

I was back at garage sales this weekend. I found this ah-mazing frame for $3. Here it is at home with one of my favorite photos.
Here is a closer look. Can you see the $35 original price?
This is my $13 shopping trip.

I found this transformer costume for Will for $5 and this wonderful iron wall thingy.

Can't wait to reveal next week my transformation.

Saturday I headed out again. I got this stuff for $1.35. 2 toys for the kids and a 10 cent frame. It will meet my ORB spray paint later today.
Oh how I love garage sale finds!!!


  1. I like the new blog look! Great frames you found there girly :)

  2. You got a lot of stuff for so little $! Don't you just love that?!

  3. You hit the jackpot. I do love the new blog look. I am new to blogging and I want to pretty mine up but don't know how. I will learn as I go.

  4. I love the new BLOG look and you are amazing!

    Love to see what you are up to! Connie

  5. Great finds, love that frame!!! I LOVE your new blog look, love it!! It's fabulous!!

  6. yay! i love garage sales!!!!! way to go, jen!


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