Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Stir Crazy at Home!

I have got some awesome friends! As a co-room rep for Will's kindergarten class we have the responsibility of coming up with gift baskets for the big fall festival.

Today my friend Jenny dropped off some incredible bows and tutus! Seriously if you want a great custom bow check her out Bella Bowz. She's done several giveaways on my blog. Thanks Jenny!!

My blogger turned in real life friend Dina, hooked me up with a Golightly's Tea Room gift certificate. Thank you Dina! If you live in the DFW area this is one cool shop.

Here is a photo of the gift basket I made for the live auction. I had over $140 worth of goodies donated!!!
With the kids at home sick I've had lots of time to reflect and be well... bored. Talk about being stir crazy that is me all the way!

Madeline brought me her swim suit and said she wanted to "swim" too bad it's 61 degrees outside.

Will has been fever free all day, yeah!! I will keep him home from school today just to let his little body heal. He seriously deserves a big treat for being such a good boy and staying in his room to limit the exposure. He is the best little boy, love him so much!

Funny this is the mask they made at school on Thursday. Kinda expressed what we've been doing this weekend.

One more thing... I've found an ah-mazing home decor blog. Lot's of new ideas and projects coming soon... you've got to check out this blog. This girl lives in the DFW area she's got to come to the next blog party I would love to hear her ideas. Did you know she spray painted her Formica counter tops??

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  1. My kids have been sick also. So talk about stir crazy. Thanks for sharing. Time for me to go and light a pumpkin cheesecake candle and relax for a change as they are all back in school.

  2. your basket looks GORGEOUS! I'm sure it will be the prettiest item at the auction. Hope the kids are feeling better soon, we all been sick over here too. BLEH

  3. The basket looks great! It will be the cutest one at the auction for sure!


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